
  • 网络brooklyn
  1. 鑫苑(中国)置业有限公司(XinyuanRealEstateCo.)上月在纽约布鲁克林区的威廉斯堡买了块地,用于该公司在美国进行首个房地产开发项目——一幢有着216户的共管公寓大楼。

    Xinyuan Real Estate Co. XIN + 3.40 % purchased a site last month in Williamsburg , in the New York City borough of Brooklyn , for its first development in the U.S. , a 216-unit condominium building .

  2. 布鲁克林区是纽约市的五个行政区之一。

    Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York city .

  3. 布鲁克林区则包含植物园、科尼岛(一座有游乐场的海滩)和约翰.肯尼?f国际机场。

    Brooklyn contains the Botanical Gardens , Coney Island ( a beach with an amusement park ), and J.F.K.International Airport .

  4. Jay-Z少年时期在纽约布鲁克林区打过少年棒球联盟(LittleLeaguebaseball),他是洋基队的铁杆球迷。

    Jay-Z , who grew up playing Little League baseball in Brooklyn , is a huge Yankees fan .

  5. 科科伦以4000万美元的售价挂售一套位于PierrepontPlace、始建于1857年的4层连栋老宅,这是布鲁克林区居民住宅有史以来的最高售价。

    Corcoran is selling a four-storey townhouse built in 1857 in Pierrepont Place that , at $ 40m , is marketed at a record sum for a residential property in the borough .

  6. 这位高盛(GoldmanSachs)董事长兼首席执行官在纽约布鲁克林区东纽约(EastNewYork,靠近贝德福德-施托伊弗桑特)的公租房中长大,但现在住在中央公园附近。

    The chairman and chief executive of Goldman Sachs grew up on a public-housing project in East New York – close to Bedford Stuyvesant – but now lives by Central Park .

  7. Molly来自牙买加,她的孩子被权威人士取走了,我和她在纽约市布鲁克林区住那段时间,她经常非常的沮丧。

    Molly from Jamaica had her child taken away by authorities and was constantly depressed when I lived with her in Brooklyn .

  8. 尤金选择了塞格尔(Sagar),来自纽约布鲁克林区的脱口秀笑星及兼职财务顾问。

    Eugene picked Sagar , a stand-up comedian and part-time financial consultant from Brooklyn .

  9. 他的父母搬到了东纽约(如今是布鲁克林区一个破旧荒凉的地段),住在林登屋(lindenhouses),这是一个公共住房项目。

    His parents moved to East New York , now a bleak and run-down area of Brooklyn , and lived in the linden houses , a public housing project .

  10. 没人会将我的祖母米尔德丽德•西尔弗曼(MildredSilverman)误当作《电影手册》(CahiersduCinéma)的撰稿人,但在她所居住的纽约市布鲁克林区,她对各家电影院了如指掌,而且她能作出辛辣的影评。

    No one would confuse Mildred Silverman with a contributor to Cahiers du Cin é ma , but she knew her way around the movie theatres of her native Brooklyn - and she was capable of pungent film criticism .

  11. 上班的人们排队等着登上从布鲁克林区开往曼哈顿的公共汽车。

    Queues formed for buses taking commuters from Brooklyn to Manhattan .

  12. 布鲁克林区首位登上太空的平民。

    The first Mook from Brooklyn to go into outer space .

  13. 还得在布鲁克林区朋友家的沙发过夜

    so I 've been sleeping on a couch in Brooklyn but

  14. 我们的人正在布鲁克林区找他。

    Our boys are all over Brooklyn looking for him .

  15. 这是我布鲁克林区公寓的录音。

    Here 's a recording of my apartment in Brooklyn .

  16. 在布鲁克林区有一所高中,每个班的学生高达46人。

    One Brooklyn high school has as many as 46 teenagers to a class .

  17. 抱歉来晚了,我不熟悉布鲁克林区。

    I 'm sorry it took so long . I don 't know brooklyn .

  18. 我不能搬到布鲁克林区,连计程车都拒绝去那里

    I can 't move to Brooklyn . Even cabs won 't go there .

  19. 他是在布鲁克林区一个贫困的街区作为街头流氓长大的。

    He grew up as a street punk in a poor neighbourhood in brooklyn .

  20. 布鲁克林区附近将会有一场叛乱,把这消息传出去。

    can we ? Around Brooklyn there 's gonna be a mutiny.Pass it on .

  21. 布鲁克林区的居民简·麦肯纳说,她没有让铺天盖地的媒体报导使自己焦躁不安。

    Brooklyn resident Jean McKenna said she did not let extensive media coverage unnerve her .

  22. 分别是:布朗克斯区,布鲁克林区,斯丹登岛,皇后区及曼哈顿岛。

    They are the Bronx , Brooklyn , Staten Island , Queens , and Manhattan .

  23. 布鲁克林区到处都有疯狂屠杀,店面总会有的。

    I mean , there have to be mass murders all over Brooklyn , right ?

  24. 布鲁克林区的茱迪·萨耶格说,她担心自己家的地下室会进水。

    Judy Sayegh , of Brooklyn , said she was concerned that her basement would flood .

  25. 当时,公司只是个普普通通的红砖建筑,地处纽约布鲁克林区的威廉姆斯堡地段。

    It was a modest red-brick building in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn , New York .

  26. 纽约东南的一个岛屿;布鲁克林区和皇后区在它的西端。

    An island in southeastern New York ; Brooklyn and Queens are on its western end .

  27. 如果现实就是活在痛苦恐惧中……或是住在布鲁克林区,那会发生什么事呢?

    But what happens when living in reality means living in pain , fear ... or Brooklyn ?

  28. 1931年美国经济大萧条期间,玛蒂尔达.科莫在纽约市布鲁克林区出生。

    Cuomo was born in Brooklyn , New York , in 1931 , during the Great Depression .

  29. 迈克尔杰弗里乔丹1963年出生于纽约布鲁克林区,曾就读于北卡罗来纳州的高中和大学。

    Michael Jeffrey Jordan was born in the Brooklyn area of New York City in nineteen sixty-three .

  30. 在布鲁克林区举行的选举活动上,当地庞大的阿拉伯裔美国人社区的居民也表达了同样的观点。

    At the election event in Brooklyn , members of the large local Arab American community echoed those concerns .