
  • 网络Mrs. Brown;Mrs Brown
  1. 在冰岛首都,布朗夫人年迈的祖父母同布朗夫妇住在一起。

    In the capital of Iceland , Mrs. Brown 's old grandfather lived with her and her husband .

  2. 布朗夫人给她女儿拨了个电话,然后高兴地说:”哎,亲爱的,你好吗?“

    Mrs. Brown dialed her daughter 's number and sang out , " Hello , darling . How are you ? "

  3. 我们期盼今晚能见到布朗夫人和您本人。

    We look forward to seeing Mrs Brown and your good self this evening .

  4. 布朗夫人在11月的选举中仍然没有十足的胜算。

    Ms Brown is still no shoo-in for the November election .

  5. 可是,一天上午,一辆警车在12点钟停在了布朗夫人的家门口,两个警察搀扶着布朗先生走出车子。

    But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. Brown 's house at twelve o'clock , and two cops1 helped Mr. Brown to get out .

  6. 一位警察对布朗夫人说,“这位健忘的老先生在公园迷路了,打电话向我们求援,所以我们派车把老人送回家来。”布朗夫人感到很诧异,不过还是向警察衷心地道了谢。警察走了。

    One of them said to Mrs. Brown , “ The forgetful old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned to us for help , so we sent a car to bring him home . ” Mrs. Brown was very surprised that she thanked the cops gratefully and they left .

  7. 7.感谢咨询亲爱的布朗夫人:非常感谢您来信垂询我公司生产的CD2215型号的女性剃毛器。

    Dear Mrs. Brown , Thank you for your consultation regarding the lady shaver CD 2215 .

  8. 学校运动会结束后,将由布朗夫人颁奖。

    Lady Browne will present the prize after the school sports .

  9. 布朗夫人现在不在家。

    Mrs. - t Brown is not at home at present .

  10. 布朗夫人,你今天(愿意)去见韦斯特先生吗?

    Will you see Mr West today , Mrs Brown ?

  11. 香脆牛肉则是布朗夫人的最爱。

    As for Mrs Brown , she favors deep-fried beef .

  12. 这位绅士钦佩布朗夫人,这令我吃惊?

    The gentleman admires Mrs brown , which surprised me .

  13. 医生为布朗夫人做了详细检查。

    The doctor looked over Mrs Brown very carefully .

  14. 布朗夫人曾自己开公司,是一位成功的公关主管。

    Mrs Brown was a successful public-relations executive who owned her own company .

  15. 你向布朗夫人道谢了她送来的礼物了吗?

    Did you thank Mrs Brown for the present ?

  16. 布朗夫人,比尔是你的学生吗?

    Is bill your student , Mrs brown ?

  17. 布朗夫人去看她的医生了。

    Mrs Brown went to see her doctor .

  18. 布朗夫人,那首歌有什么特别的含义吗

    Mrs. Brown , what 's the significance of the song that was playing ?

  19. 布朗夫人在一所学校教英语。

    Mr Brown teaches English in a school .

  20. 他应布朗夫人之邀而来。

    He came at the request of Mrs.Brown .

  21. 布朗夫人:没有用的,我的小狗不认识字。【词汇讲解】

    Mrs. Brown : It 's no use . My little dog can 't read .

  22. 我们英语老师布朗夫人教我们半年多了。

    My English teacher , Mrs Brown , has taught us for half a year .

  23. 布朗夫人:没有用的,我的小狗不认识字。can表示与生俱来的能力。

    Mrs. Brown : It 's no use , my little dog can 't read .

  24. 请让我介绍布朗夫人给你好吗?

    May I present Mrs brown ?

  25. 谢谢你,布朗夫人。

    Thank you , Mrs Brown .

  26. 我的狗不识字布朗夫人:哦,亲爱的,我把心爱的小狗给丢了!

    Mrs. Brown : Oh , my dear , I have lost my precious little dog !

  27. 女厨子在追求那司机哩。布朗夫人悄悄对丈夫说道。

    " Cook is walking out with the chauffeur . " Mrs Brown whispered to her husband .

  28. 布朗夫人飘逸的碎花短裙和大风让我分神了。

    I got distracted by the battle between Sarah Brown 's floaty floral skirt and the stiff breeze .

  29. 信不信由你,布朗夫人是太原人,她老公是美国人。

    Believe it or not , Mrs Brown is from Taiyuan , and her husband is an American .

  30. 布朗夫人去拜访一位朋友,她拿着一个顶部扎满了小眼儿的盒子。

    Mrs. Brown went to visit one of her friends and carried a small box with holes punched in the top .