
shì zhèn
  • small towns;market town;town
市镇 [shì zhèn]
  • [town] 较大的集镇

  • 仙台是一个市镇,并不大。--《藤野先生》

市镇[shì zhèn]
  1. 农村党的精力的最大部分,必须放在恢复和发展农业生产和市镇上的工业生产上面。

    Party organizations in the rural areas must devote the greatest energy to restoring and developing agricultural production and also industrial production in small towns .

  2. 军方领导层又解除了几个市镇的军事管制。

    The military leadership have lifted martial law in several more towns .

  3. 这笔钱将用来发展壮大市镇的商业中心。

    The money will be used to regenerate the commercial heart of the town .

  4. 该市镇处于密集的炮火之下。

    The town is under heavy artillery fire .

  5. 快到市镇时就可以看见左边的学院。

    As you approach the town , you 'll see the college on the left .

  6. 她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。

    Her book traces the town 's history from Saxon times to the present day .

  7. 一支联合国援助车队载着食物和药物终于抵达了被围困的市镇。

    A United Nations aid convoy loaded with food and medicine finally got through to the besieged town .

  8. 在市镇中心停车可能会挺费事。

    Parking can be tricky in the town centre .

  9. 他转入岔路,却发现自己困在了一个难觅出口的市镇广场。

    He turned off only to find he was trapped in a town square with no easy exit .

  10. 这个市镇凭藉独特的风光发展旅游业。

    The town relies on its specific landscape for developing the tourist industry .

  11. 这两个市镇有铁路相连。

    The two towns are connected by a railway .

  12. 为避开市镇中心的交通拥挤,还是走旁道吧。

    Take the bypass to avoid the traffic in the centre .

  13. 在离市镇不远的地方演习时发生了爆炸。

    The explosion occurred during an exercise near the town .

  14. 人群聚集到市镇广场上来听市长讲话。

    The crowds congregated in the town square to hear the mayor speak .

  15. 当选举结果揭晓时,市镇大厅外人山人海,大家疯狂似地欢呼。

    When the result was declared the great crowd outside the town hall cheered wildly .

  16. 你妹妹早就从这个市镇搬走了,时隔多年了我不知道你去哪儿能找到她。

    I don 't know where you 'll find your sister after all these years , she moved away from the town a long time ago .

  17. 接着,经济萧条差不多使所有的人都失了业,那些偷工减料盖成的房子也都无人照料;正如鲁道的母亲所抱怨的那样,整个市镇简直成了一个贫民窟。

    Then the depression had thrown almost everybody out of work and the jerry-built houses had been neglected , and as rudolph 's mother complained , the entire town had become a single slum .

  18. 另一方面,设想一下所有这些没有超速和违规停车罚单的情况对于当地警力和市镇预算的成本节约。

    On the other hand , imagine the cost savings for local police enforcement and town budgets without all those speeding and parking tickets .

  19. 公园和戏院只是市镇娱乐设施的一部分

    Parks and a theatre are just some of the town 's local amenities .

  20. 几乎每个德国的市镇都至少有一个可供本地犬主求助和咨询的SchHClub。

    Nearly every German town has at least one Schutzhund club in the area to which local dog owners can go for help and advice .

  21. 事实上,这份厚达1400页的详尽报告《公地的悲剧》(TheTragedyoftheCommons)侧重于阐述美国最大的一些州在众多市镇债券上面临的问题日益严重,甚至有些令人恐惧。

    Indeed , the 1,400-page beast of analysis , titled " the tragedy of the commons , " was instead focused on delineating the myriad and slightly terrifying financial obligations that the largest states in the country were having increasing trouble meeting .

  22. Glostrup市镇厅公园

    Glostrup Town Hall Park

  23. 任何一块可以寻觅到的木材都是一小笔财富,斯特拉恩(Strahan)这些旅游市镇的车木工会把它们加工成昂贵的小装饰品。

    Any salvageable timber is worth a small fortune and turned into expensive knick-knacks by wood turners in tourist towns such as Strahan .

  24. 边缘的区域,比如城市的或市镇的。

    Outlying areas ( as of a city or town ) .

  25. 在新大厦的启用典礼上放言高论的市镇议员。

    Town councillors speechifying at the opening of a new building .

  26. 我们学校坐落于市镇的中心。

    Our school is located in the centre of the town .

  27. 犯罪团伙在市镇中心抢劫商店老板。

    The gang robbed shopkeeper in the centre of the town .

  28. 尤其是沿海的市镇。

    And as in other towns up and down the coast .

  29. 我想我更愿意去市镇游泳池。

    I think I 'd rather go to the town pool .

  30. 一个被遗弃的市镇,尤指美国西部的市镇。

    A deserted town ( especially in Western United States ) .