
  • 网络Paris metro;Paris Subway;Metro Paris Subway
  1. 德尚说,为了帮助保护中国游客、打消他们心头的顾虑,这座城市已经在艾菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫(Louvre)等广受欢迎的景点加强了安保措施,并在巴黎地铁上用普通话警告乘客小心扒手。

    To help protect and reassure Chinese tourists , Mr. Deschamps said , the city has beefed up security at popular sites like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre , while instituting warnings in Mandarin to be vigilant against pickpockets on the Paris Metro .

  2. 《秋思》与《在巴黎地铁站》之审美意象

    The Aesthetic Images of Thoughts in Autumn and In a Station of the Metro

  3. 巴黎地铁空间设计新理念

    New Conception of Metro Space Design in Paris

  4. 法国警方指责激进的穆斯林在1995年袭击巴黎地铁一号线。

    French police blame radical Muslims for a 1995 attack on the Paris metro .

  5. 带缓冲器的巴黎地铁定价策略

    Paris Metro Pricing Scheme with Virtual Buffer

  6. 为了尽可能防止在地铁线路上发生自杀事件,巴黎地铁管理部门正在考虑在其所辖的380个车站内采取挖掘防自杀壕沟及安装预警雷达等应对措施。

    The Paris metro is considering digging anti-suicide trenches or fitting warning radar in its380 stations in an effort to reduce the number of people who try to kill themselves on the network .

  7. 在口头侮辱之后那天,这名女孩在巴黎地铁4号线里遇到了一群年轻的陌生人,其中一个就是头一天辱骂她的那个人。

    A day after the verbal insult , the girl met a group of young strangers on Paris M é tro Line 4 , one of which was the young woman verbally assaulted her a day before .

  8. 《秋思》与《在巴黎地铁站》两首诗歌具有独特的语言组合所产生的唯美的意象,中文诗歌意象的递相沿袭性和英诗的直觉性给予读者不同的情感体验。

    Thoughts in Autumn and In a Station of the Metro both have beautiful images created by language-combination , and the continuity in Chinese poem and the intuition of English image poem give readers different feeling experiences .

  9. 据中国新闻网站法制晚报报道,一名中国女留学生4月8日在巴黎地铁上被三名年轻人口头侮辱,之后遭到殴打,却并没有得到旁观者或者之后到来的警察的任何帮助。

    A Chinese female student was verbally and later physically attacked by three young people in Paris Metro train on April 8 , and received no immediate help from either onlookers or later the police , fawan.com , a Chinese newspaper 's website reported .

  10. 晚年时期的菲利普在法国与美国之间游走,继续勤奋的带学生,搞创作,编订乐谱,直到1958年2月菲利普在一次巴黎地铁事故中丧生与世长辞。

    Old age period of Philipp in France and the United States , continue to wander between the hard with students , make the creation , editor of music , until February 1958 Philip in a Paris dead in a subway accident has died .

  11. 纽约地铁和巴黎的地铁格局不太一样。

    Subway in New York isn 't similar to the subway in Paris .

  12. 巴黎市区地铁网络发展历史及其启示

    Evolution and Inspiration of Subway Network Development in Paris

  13. 在巴黎乘地铁去大部分地方通常是相当方便的。

    It 's usually quite convenient to take the underground train to most places in Paris .

  14. 在法国,公交罢工恢复后的第一天,上班的人群正涌入巴黎的地铁中。

    French commuters cram onto the subway in Paris on the first day of a transit strike in France .

  15. 少坐出租车:巴黎的地铁系统非常周全,可以带你去任何地方。

    Skip taxis The subway system in Paris is very extensive and can take you anywhere you need to go .

  16. 我在高中学过4年的法语,我第一次去巴黎在地铁站排队时一直练习(法语)。

    I took French for 4 years in high school . When I first got to Paris I stood in line at the metro station . I was practicing .

  17. 中国游客对巴黎拥挤的地铁感到遗憾。

    Chinese visitors feel sorry about the crowded subway in Paris .

  18. 巴黎火车北站地铁站的外部装饰。

    Exterior , Gare du Nord railway station .

  19. 他的母亲特蕾西说:“他甚至清楚巴黎所有的地铁站和换乘地点。”

    His mother Tracey said : " He even knows all the underground stops in Paris and exactly where to change . "

  20. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一名糊涂的游客把巴黎一处地铁站误当停车场,想要开进去。

    A confused tourist tried to drive his car down into a Paris Metro station after mistaking it for a car park , the Daily Mail reported .

  21. 我们已研究过伦敦、巴黎与香港地铁系统的经验,我们的系统将从中撷取长处。加佑夫说。

    " we have studied the experience of the london , paris and hong kong metro systems and our system will take the best from each ," gayev said .