- 网络What you don't want;Do as you would be done by others

Do not do to others what you would not have them do to you .
Don 't do to others what you wouldn 't like to be done to yourself .
The bottom line is you sleep well at night by treating people the way you want to be treated .
What you do not want done to yourself , do not do it others .
Apply the golden rule : treat others the way you would like to be treated .
Confucius one dose : Therefore you unbar on the journey on revenge , dig two graves .
The best advice : Remember common courtesy and act toward others as you want them to act toward you .
Teachers say never force others to do what they don 't want to do , but force us to recite .
The Master said , " What you do not want done to yourself , do not do to others . "
We ascribe feelings that we do not want to someone else , thus locating the source of our conflict outside ourselves .
Conflict and repression will endure so long as some people refuse to do unto others as we would have them do unto us .
Chinese people are particular about " Don 't do to others what you don 't want others to do to you " all long .
Confucius , the ancient Chinese thinker , taught us that , Do not do onto others what you do not want others do onto you .
The Chinese civilization cherishes peace and advocates maintaining harmony while allowing for difference and that never do to others what you would not like them to do to you .
After all , the Golden Rule does state to treat others how you 'd like to be treated yourself . However , being too nice could have a downside or two .
Confucian teachings such as : " do not do to others as you would not want done to you " and " one should be delighted to hear criticism ," are wise and worthwhile .
Consider what Dr. Lawrence , of the University of Iowa , calls the Platinum Rule : ' Do unto others as they would have you do unto them . ' In other words , stop and listen .
Even if China becomes stronger , we will not seek hegemony because we have learned from our bitterest experience in the modern period that one should not impose on others he himself does not desire . This is an article of faith for us .