
  • Gong Li;Hatsumomo;Li Gong;Paul Giamatti
  1. 他将自己的设计风格归结为“奢华的简约”(extravagantsimplicity),张曼玉、杨紫琼、巩俐、梅艳芳、李嘉欣、刘嘉玲和舒淇等众多明星都是他的客户。

    With a design style that he calls " extravagant simplicy ," Cheng boasts customers such as Maggie Cheung , Michelle Yeoh , Gong Li , Anita Mui , Michelle Reis , Carina Lau and Shu Qi .

  2. 鉴于巩俐和章子怡在好莱坞(Hollywood)大片中获得的成功,上述结论未免有些绝对。然而,在音乐和电影等文化产品领域,中国毫无疑问处于贸易失衡状态。

    That verdict may be a little harsh , given the success of actresses Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi in big budget Hollywood movies , but there is no doubting the trade imbalance when it comes to cultural products ranging from music to movies .

  3. 实际上我并不在乎是不是巩俐。

    I actually don 't care if it is Gong Li .

  4. 愤怒的网民称巩俐背叛了她的中国根。

    Angry webizens said Ms Gong was betraying her Chinese roots .

  5. 巩俐将在这部电影中扮演皇后的角色。

    Grong Li will act the role___of_the queen in the film .

  6. 自信、自然与平衡&魅力女人巩俐

    Magnetic Gong Li : Being Confident , Natural and Poised

  7. 巩俐在这部电影里担任主角。

    Gongli played the leading role in this film .

  8. 大多数网民对于巩俐选择跟随丈夫加入新加坡籍表示了愤怒。

    Most Netizens voiced fury at her decision to take her husband 's nationality .

  9. 她的演技可以和巩俐相媲美。

    Her acting approaches that of Gong Li .

  10. 是巩俐主演的《大红灯笼高高挂》这部影片。

    It is Gong Li that ( who ) stars the film Red Lanterns .

  11. 巩俐:某种意义上,中国人都很坚强,特别是能吃苦。

    GL : In the sense that the Chinese are strong , especially tough .

  12. 但是,也有许多人对巩俐的决定表示了理解。

    However , many people also expressed understanding for Gong 's decision , AFP said .

  13. 出演本片的还有甄子丹、李截和巩俐。

    Also among the cast are Donnie Yen , Jason Scott Lee and Gong Li .

  14. 巩俐走访了一些有聋孩的家庭并同他们的父母作数小时的交谈。

    Gong Li visited families with deaf children and talked for hours with their parents .

  15. 巩俐的新电影怎么样?

    How about the new Gongli movie ?

  16. 遇见张艺谋导演是巩俐演艺命运的一个转折点。

    Meeting with director Zhang Yimou is the turning point of Gong Li 's performing fortune .

  17. 该部电影由中国著名导演张艺谋执导,也是中国著名演员巩俐的电影处女作。

    The film was directed by Jiang Yimou and marked the acting debut of Gong Li .

  18. 我的爱国者们,虽然你们在这儿对巩俐指手画脚,但你们敢说你们真的爱国么?

    My compatriots , as you blab here , can you really say you love your country ?

  19. 自巩俐在1996年与59岁的黄和祥结婚后,就不断传出婚变的谣言。

    Since her marriage to the59-year-old tycoon in1996 , rumours about their divorce swirled around for years .

  20. 巩俐获得过多次国际性大奖的提名,而她赢得的这类奖项足以装满一箱子。

    She has been nominated for many international awards and has won a trophy-case full of such prizes .

  21. 巩俐:像其他地方一样,中国每天也会涌现出许多新鲜面孔。

    GL : China is like any other country , it consumes the flesh and fresh new faces .

  22. 不久,巩俐将与世界上最好的导演之一&张艺谋再次合作。

    Soon the Gongster will be working again with one of the world 's best directors : Zhang Yimou .

  23. 在世人眼中,巩俐仍然是中国电影的唯一标志。

    In the eyes of the world , Gong Li continues to be the only face of Chinese cinema .

  24. 巩俐出生在中国辽宁省,1996年与新加坡商人黄和祥结婚。

    Gong , who was born in China 's Liaoning province , married Singapore businessman Ooi Hoe Seong in1996 .

  25. 其实早在13年前,巩俐已经和新加坡商业大亨黄和祥成婚。

    Gong had already been married to Singaporean business tycoon Ooi Hoe Soeng for13 years before submitting her application .

  26. 与此同时,他将金兆丽的最佳人选圈定巩俐,并正式发出邀请。

    At that time he decided to have Gong Li play the role King Siu Lai , and officially invited her .

  27. 我说起巩俐的唯一原因只是因为她的名字是我可以叫出和拼写的中国名字。

    The only reason I say Gong Li is because her 's is the only Chinese name I can pronounce and spell .

  28. 中国女星巩俐昨晚出席戛纳电影节开幕式红毯。她穿的是一身紫色飘逸鱼尾长裙,高贵大方!

    Chinese actress Gong Li arrives on the red carpet for the opening ceremony of the64th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes May11,2011 .

  29. 巩俐有时会太过感性,以至于感情压倒了理智,而对待事物的观点也会失之偏颇。

    Gong Li sometimes lets her emotions overpower her reasoning and logic , and consequently she is sometimes biased in her opinions .

  30. 巩俐:她是一个嫁给了法国人的日本女人,那个法国人是汉尼拔的叔叔。

    Gong : she 's a Japanese woman , and she was married to a frenchman , the uncle of the young hannibal .