
  • 网络engineering innovation
  1. 英特尔(Intel)负责管理英特尔与使用其芯片的PC企业关系的高管赞恩?鲍尔(ZaneBall)表示:如今市场正在回报工程创新。

    The market now is rewarding engineering innovation , said Zane Ball , an Intel executive who manages its relationship with the PC companies using its chips .

  2. 最后分析社会工程创新的基本问题及其数理模型。

    Finally the basic problems of social engineering innovation and its mathematical model .

  3. 高性能材料FRP应用与结构工程创新

    Application of high performance FRP and innovations of structure engineering

  4. 建设机械工程创新实践基地的思考

    Thinking on Building Innovative Practice Bases for Mechanical Engineering Students

  5. 面向土木工程创新设计实验班的钢结构教学改革构想

    Teaching reform of steel structure course for training innovative civil engineering majors

  6. 济南市深基坑工程创新技术分析

    Analysis on New Technology of Deep Foundation Pit Engineering in Jinan City

  7. 加强实验教学,培养包装工程创新人才

    Reinforce Experiment Teaching and Foster Innovative Talent of Packaging Engineer

  8. 加强实验教学,培养无机非金属材料工程创新人才

    Cultivation of the Talented Students in Inorganic Materials by Enhancing Experiment Teaching

  9. 实验教学与包装工程创新人才培养改革探索

    On Innovative Intellectuals Developing of Packaging Engineering and Experiment Teaching

  10. 机械控制工程创新实验系统人机界面设计

    Interface Design of the Innovative Experiment System of Mechanical Engineering

  11. 论环境科学与工程创新型人才的培养途径

    Cultivating methods for innovative talents in environmental science and engineering

  12. 信息技术的发展与农业生态工程创新

    Development of Information Technology and Innovation of Agriculture Eco-engineering

  13. 精确农业发展与农业生态工程创新

    Development of Precision Agriculture and Innovation of Agricultural Eco-engineering

  14. 产学研合作培养环境工程创新型人才的研究与实践

    Research and Practice of Cooperative Education of Enterprise-University-Institute for Environmental Engineering Innovating Talents

  15. 加强流体力学技术研究引领船舶海洋工程创新

    Enhancing ship fluid mechanics research in order to guide innovation of ship and offshore

  16. 高等工程创新人才培养体系研究&以江苏大学流体机械专业为例

    Systems to Produce Innovative Higher Engineering Talents & A Case Study of Fluid Machinery Specialty of Jiangsu University

  17. 如何培养工程创新人才已经成为我国工程教育界的重要课题。

    How to cultivate engineering innovative talents has become an important topic in the engineers ' education in China .

  18. 工程创新是创新的主战场,工程创新人才的培养十分重要。

    Engineering innovation is the main part of innovation and the training of engineering innovative talents is very important .

  19. 大家许多人都知道,这个系列是由,普林斯顿工程创新中心赞助的。

    This series , as many of you know , is sponsored by Princeton Center for Innovation in Engineering Education .

  20. 从四元知识链的视角理解工程创新,对知识时代现实中的工程创新有着重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    The engineering innovation in the knowledge economy times is of theoretical and practical importance in the perspective of STEI knowledge chain .

  21. 本文从一个新的视角,将广义设计与工程创新相结合,以讨论和分析工程创新教育的改革。

    The paper combines generalized design with engineering innovation to discuss and analyze the reformation of engineering innovation education from a new view .

  22. 运用基因工程创新棉花种质资源,培育应用转基因抗除草剂的棉花品种对于棉田化学除草,降低植棉投入,提高植棉效率具有重要的意义。

    It is important to control weeds in cotton field , reduce investment and improve production efficiency by breeding herbicide resistant transgenic cotton varieties .

  23. 作为金融工程创新的结晶,天气衍生产品在防范由非灾难性天气因素产生的风险方面显示了巨大的活力和创造性。

    As the crystallization of innovative financial engineering , weather derivatives show great vitality and creativity in preventing the risk caused by non-catastrophic weather factors .

  24. 基于多体动力学的船舶柴油机主轴承润滑特性加强流体力学技术研究引领船舶海洋工程创新

    Lubrication analysis of marine diesel engine main bearing based on multi-body dynamics Enhancing ship fluid mechanics research in order to guide innovation of ship and offshore

  25. 文章阐述了构建培养工程创新人才教学模式的基本理念,并就如何设计和构建这种教学模式进行了详实的论述。

    This paper expounds the basic idea of constructing the educational model to cultivate engineering innovative talents and discusses about designing and constructing educational model in details .

  26. 从“四元知识链”来看,工程创新是凝结于工程“人工物”中的工程知识被并入到生产函数中以获得首次商业化应用的过程。

    This paper analyzed the definition and connotation of the innovation engineering of EV , based on the external inevitability and feasibility of the development of EV industry .

  27. 正因如此,今天下午,我也就很适合在这,同大家谈论,工程创新,这个话题。

    And that 's why it is really appropriate for me to be here this afternoon and really speak as relates to this topic of innovation in engineering .

  28. 文化共享工程创新发展思路刍议&以辽宁省文化信息资源共享进村入户工程为例

    Discussion on the Ideas of Innovation Development of Culture Sharing Project & Take the Project of Culture Information Resource Sharing Entering Villages and Peasant Households in Liaoning Province as Example

  29. 文中就提高人才综合素质和能力进行思考,提出加强实验教学,走产学研相结合的道路,使用先进的实验技术和手段,培养包装工程创新人才;

    Aimed at the improvement of talents ' comprehensive quality and ability , reinforcing experiment teaching , insisting on the path of producing , learning and study , using advance experimental technology and means are proposed in this article .

  30. 并结合电路、电工学等基础课程教学,分别从基础教学、交叉学科、人文素质和实践环节等四个方面介绍了培养工程创新人才的经验和体会。

    And combining with fundamental course teaching such as circuit and electrotechnician subjects and so on , introducing the experience and sentiments of cultivating engineering and creating talents from four aspects which are fundamental teaching 、 crossing subjects 、 humanism making and practice tache .