
  • 网络nimrod
  1. 古实又生宁录,他为世上英雄之首。

    And Cush begat nimrod : he began to be a mighty one in the earth .

  2. 他们必用刀剑毁坏亚述地,和宁录地的关口。

    They will rule the land of Assyria with the sword , the land of Nimrod with drawn sword .

  3. 古实又生宁录,他是地上最早的勇士。

    And Cush begot nimrod : he began to be a mighty one on the earth .

  4. 10:9他在耶和华面前是个英勇的猎户,所以俗语说,像宁录在耶和华面前是个英勇的猎户。

    He was a mighty hunter before the LORD : wherefore it is said , Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD .

  5. 他们必用刀剑毁坏亚述地和宁录地的关口.亚述人进入我们的地境践踏的时候、他必拯救我们。

    And this man shall be the peace , when the Assyrian shall come into our land : and when he shall tread in our palaces , then shall we raise against him seven shepherds , and eight principal men .

  6. 我依然记得当时的情景:我如何兴高采烈地穿过他们家的玫瑰花园;如何遇到了他们家的大狗利奥,还有卷毛长耳小狗弗里茨;行动敏捷的大马宁录又如何伸着鼻子吃我手里的黄油和糖块。

    I remember with delight how I went through their rose-garden , how their dogs , big Leo and little curly-haired Fritz with long ears , came to meet me , and how Nimrod , the swiftest of the horses , poked his nose into my hands for a pat and a lump of sugar .