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  • 网络Aristotelian physics
  1. 这么一来亚里士多德物理学就面对着一系列严重的问题。

    So Aristotle 's physics is looking in serious trouble for a range of reasons .

  2. 亚里士多德物理学理论的精髓在于解释了,自然界中人类和动物的运动模式。

    And Aristotle had a physical theory which essentially explained the workings of things in the world on the modal of human or animal behavior .

  3. 从亚里士多德的物理学到牛顿力学的世界图景的转变

    The Transition from Aristotelian Physical Picture of World to Newtonian Mechanical One

  4. 本文讨论了从亚里士多德的物理学到牛顿力学的世界图景的转变,并分析了转变过程、看待世界方式的变化和语言的变化。

    In this paper , the author expounds the transition from Aristotelian physical picture of the world to Newtonian mechanical one , and discusses the process of the transition , the change of the way used to recognize the world and the change of the language to describe the world .