
  • 网络job identification
  1. 流程分解工作标识组成较大的业务流程的一组子流程、活动或任务。

    Process decomposition identifies a set of subprocesses , activities , or tasks that constitute a larger business process .

  2. 此外,每个通过用例建模工作标识的用例都可能被添加到候选服务列表中。

    In addition , every single use case that is identified through the use case modeling work effort might be added to the list of candidate services .

  3. 作为链接显示的、与此生成关联的工作项标识。

    Identification of the work item associated with this build shown as a link .

  4. 返回数据工作期标识,该标识用于识别窗体集,窗体或工具栏的私有数据工作期。

    Returns the data session ID that identifies the private data session for the formset , form , or toolbar .

  5. 非代表性测试环境、无效的工作负载标识和不充分的测试周期都可能导致在测试过程中不能检测出内存泄漏。

    Non-representative test environments , ineffective workload identification , and insufficient testing cycles cause memory leaks to go undetected through testing procedures .

  6. 完成此工作以后,标识可供SVM使用的片。

    When this is complete , identify slices that are available for use by the SVM .

  7. 认定的软件工作产品可标识、可控制、可利用。

    Selected software work products are identified , controlled , and available .

  8. 工作组名称标识家庭网络上的计算机组。类似于一个家庭有多少个成员,这些成员具有相同的地址。

    Workgroup names identify a group of computers on your home network . It 's similar to how members of a household have the same address .

  9. 所谓工作类型环标识了八种不同的“工作类型”,涵盖了所有行业中所有团队要承担的工作。

    The Types of Work Wheel identifies eight distinct ' Types of Work ' that need to be undertaken by all teams , regardless of their industry .

  10. 介绍了模型中的一些关键技术,如模型工作原理、用户标识确定、访问资源分类、客户端浏览行为获取等。

    Some key technology of this model is introduced , such as model 's work principle and identify of user , classification of web page .

  11. 目前,所有奥运定点医院在组织机构、工作流程、双语标识、绿色通道、无障碍设施、以及兴奋剂管理等方面均达到了奥运规范标准。

    All the designated hospitals have reached the Olympic standard in terms of organizations , working procedure , bilingual signs ," green passages ", barrier-free facilities and stimulants management .