
  1. 然而,观察人士表示,此案已引起公众对大亨在金融行业中所发挥作用的强烈猜疑,因此对辜氏家族更有利的做法,应该是降低姿态,从日常业务管理工作中撤出。

    However , observers say the case has raised such public suspicion about the role of tycoons in the financial sector that it would be more beneficial for the KOOS to lower their profile and retreat from running day-to-day operations .

  2. 综放工作面支架快速撤出工艺

    Quick Withdraw Process of Supports in Fully Mechanized Top Caving Face

  3. 最后,通过执行防火安全专项方案以及自燃预测预报技术等手段,顺利完成了29403综放工作面支架的撤出和密闭工作,并且制定了撤架后的防灭火安全专项方案。

    Finally , By performing the special fire prevention project and the spontaneous combustion prediction technology means , smoothly completing the operation of the shelves and the face closed , and formulating the special fire prevention scheme after the shelves .