
Party of the propertyless proletariat - G.B.Shaw .
To keep advancing is where a political party for the working-class survives and develops .
The first section summarizes the historical experience and lessons of the working class 's party in dealing with the issue of the mass foundation .
The development of modern social and the difference of nations'conditions decided the difference of party types of working class in different times and different countries .
The working class Party 's guiding principles are Marxist classics ' highly scientific condensation on Party 's ultimate aims and tasks at different social historical period .
After the building up of the people 's Republic of China in 1949 , the Party Politics of the Chinese working class further has ripened and developed .
Precisely because of this , they must set an example in maintaining close contact with the masses , obeying Party organizations and observing rules of Party discipline .
The Party 's principle in journalism is not only the focused expression of the will of the political Party of the working class but also the soul of journalism .
The important points are these as follows : the root causes of religion , nature and social role ; the attitude to religion treated on the working class party ; the socialist policies on religion , on the spread of atheism .
The worker-peasant alliance refers to the political alliance formed between workers and peasants under the leadership of worker 's party based on certain common benefits and for certain strategic goals .