
  • 网络State board of education;Virginia Board of Education
  1. 州教育委员会已经在3月22日投票接管地区学校,6月中旬正式生效。

    The State Board of education voted on march22nd to take over the school district , effective in mid-june .

  2. 在加利福尼亚州,州教育委员会计划在8月2日投票决定是同意还是反对该新标准。

    In California , the State Board of Education plans to vote on August second to accept or reject a new set of standards .

  3. 除WWE的工作之外,McMahon还在康涅狄格州教育委员会工作。

    her WWE work , McMahon also serves on Connecticut 's Board of Education .

  4. 上个月,佛罗里达州教育委员会批准了一项计划,该计划将教师工资的增加与学生的考试成绩相关联。

    Last month , the Florida Board of Education approved a program that will link increases in teachers'pay to improvements in students'test scores .

  5. 主要内容:去年春天,德克萨斯州教育委员会点了一把世界性的争议之火,因为委员会成员通过了一个极具争议的社会学培养计划。

    Subject matter : The Texas Board of Education ignited an international firestorm last spring when members approved a controversial new social studies curriculum .

  6. 所以,州教育委员会将和州教育监管部门一起提高毕业标准。我们真正的担忧是,取消12年级将朝着错误的方向前进。

    And so in working with the state of education , the State Board of Education to raise our graduation standards , our concern is really that the 12th year really moves in the wrong direction .

  7. 由美国北达科他州立大学系统和北达科他州高等教育委员会进行的审计指出,这些国际学位项目极度缺乏控制和监管。

    The audit conducted by the North Dakota State University System and the State Board of Higher Education showed seriously lacking controls and oversight of these international degree programs .

  8. 由美国北达科他州立大学系统和北达科他州高等教育委员会进行的审计指出,这些国际学位项目“极度缺乏控制和监管”。

    The audit conducted by the North Dakota State University System and the State Board of Higher Education showed " seriously lacking controls and oversight " of these international degree programs .

  9. 佛吉尼亚州贾尔斯县教育委员会摘除了张贴在学校的《十诫》。

    In Giles County , Virginia , the school board has d s of the Ten Commandments from its schools .

  10. 佐治亚州没有上限。该州教育委员会已经投票取消了明年对班级规模的所有限制。

    The sky 's the limit in Georgia where the state Board of Education has voted to lift all limits on class sizes over the next year .