
  1. 大多数州都保障人们免费享受充分教育的权利。

    Most states guarantee the right to free and adequate education

  2. 许多州都已经针对《资源保护和恢复法》和《综合性环境反应、赔偿与责任法案》制定了他们各自的实施细则

    Many states have enacted their own counterparts to RCRA and CERCLA .

  3. 实际上,许多州都颁布法令,允许索取“情感转让”赔偿金。

    Numerous states , in fact , have enacted laws allowing damages for “ alienation of affections ” .

  4. 改革后的SAT考试大量借鉴美国共同核心课程标准(commoncore)——美国大多数州都已经采用这一数学和阅读的教学标准。

    As for content , the revamped test draws heavily from the Common Core - math and reading benchmarks adopted by most states .

  5. 我们稍后会讲述这件事。现在,所有50个州都受到H1N1流感病毒的侵袭。

    All 50 states have now been hit by the H1N1 virus .

  6. CNN新闻对于全国范围内检疫和隔离审查的规定回顾表明全部50个州都有权进行隔离检疫。

    CNN 's review of quarantine and isolation 's statutes across the country reveals that all 50 states have the power to isolate and quarantine .

  7. 为了进一步研究学校入学日期的影响,研究人员还特别查看了1960年之后入学的CEO的出生日期。之所以选在1960年,是因为那时大多数州都规定了入学年龄门槛。

    As a further test of the impact of school cutoff dates , the researchers looked at birthdays of CEOs entering school after 1960 , when cutoffs were mandated in most states .

  8. 据瑞士公共广播公司SSR报道,三分之二的选民和所有州都否决了这项提议,而提议要获得通过,就要得到联邦和各州全部选民的多数支持。

    Swiss public broadcaster SSR said two-thirds of voters and all of the cantons had rejected the measure , which required majority approval of all federal and cantonal voters .

  9. 大多数州都没有累积真正能获得收益的资金以支付未来的OPEB成本。

    No actual income-generating funds , accumulated for the future , back them in most states .

  10. 许多州都纪念本州发生的重要历史事件。

    A number of states commemorate important events in their history .

  11. 法官选举竞争在许多州都在不断进行。

    In many states , elections for judges are increasingly competitive .

  12. 大部分州都要求有三年的法学教育和法律学位。

    Most require three years of college and a law degree .

  13. 他在十几个州都犯了案。

    We 've pieced a trail across a dozen states .

  14. 每一州都有一个州长和州议会。

    Each state had a governor and a state assembly .

  15. 这些州都位于大陆东部。

    All these states were in the eastern part of the continent .

  16. 但46个州都有责任平衡每年预算。

    But 46 states are obligated to balance their budgets each year .

  17. 美国每一个州都有一个首府。

    Each state of the United States has a capital .

  18. 美国几乎所有的州都有博览会。

    Almost all slates in America have a state fair .

  19. 几乎美国所有的州都有一个集市。

    Almost all states in America have a state fair .

  20. 去年,类似的案件在几个州都报道过。

    Last year , incidents similar to this were reported in several states .

  21. 然而,并非所有州都有区域办公室。

    However , not every state had regional offices .

  22. 在各个州都有民权运动的工作者遭到杀害。

    Civil Rights workers were murdered in various states .

  23. 很多州都有彩票,并且规则各异。

    Many states have lotteries , and the rules vary quite a bit .

  24. 该物种在澳大利亚大多数州都会受到保护。

    The species is protected in most Australian states .

  25. 仿佛整个新罕布什尔州都在寻找帕蒂。

    It seems as if all of New Hampshire is looking for Patty .

  26. 许多州都已经用完了清扫积雪的预算。宾州今年冬天使用的化雪盐预计会打破记录。

    Pennsylvania expects to use a record amount of road salt this winter .

  27. 美国的在职妈妈不管在哪个州都很不容易。

    American working moms have it tough , no matter where they live .

  28. 我国的大多数州都经历着经济困境。

    These United States are confronted with an economic affliction of great proportions .

  29. 甚至有22个州都没有将其列为获得毕业证书的必修课。

    Twenty-two states don 't even allow it to count toward a diploma .

  30. 新英格兰的每一个州都摆出一副准备冒险的架势。

    Every state in New England has shown itself prepared to take risks .