- 网络sacred consumption

6 , the worship of the ethical discussion of consumption .
Assuming four : worship of external influences on consumer behavior factors had significant effect .
Unlike the use value of consumer products in general , worship consumption has the characteristics of symbolic consumption .
Worship of consumption may be completely out of idol worship , it may only out of conformity , imitation of psychology .
2 , The flexible use of child Generation of young people prefer the characteristics of worship of consumption , subdivision objectives , precise marketing .
Suppose one : on the cult of self-monitoring significantly affected consumer behavior . Need to verify , self-monitoring style idol worship by the significant impact of a direct impact on consumption behavior worship .
Suppose the result is : the third assumption does not pass , the other three were all passed the 11 hypotheses . Fourthly , the elaborate worship of consumption model of marketing practice in China .
Factors affecting consumer behavior in accordance with the basic classification model , define and describe the worship of consumption can influence the factors , and on this based on the worship of the line consumer behavior models by preliminary assumptions .
This article first act of worship of consumption were defined , and then through the idol worship involving sociology , semiotics , psychology , communication and other related theories in order , the theoretical logic of the text summary of travel .
The symbol worship and symbol consumption for Academy fete ritual represents that the Academy play important role in diffusing culture .
In a nation that was proud of hard work , strong families , close-knit communities , and our faith in God , too many of us now tend to worship self-indulgence and consumption .
Of idol worship to explain consumer behavior related to marketing theory , group theory related , consumer pop phenomenon are covered , but worship of the description of the targeted consumer behavior remains to be rich in theory .
Consumer storage and understanding of stem cells , consumer behavior from the initial , high-tech products to the blind worship of the perceptual consumption into rational consumption today .
In the analysis of high consumption , the author mainly through the construction and consumer demand idol idol idol with the consumption of symbolic meaning and has recognized the effectiveness of communication in three areas to illustrate the idolatry of the high propensity to consume .
Suppose two : the degree of idolatry worship of consumption behavior of a significant impact , the degree of deep involvement of the people of idolatry , idols of consumption and the amount of the product higher and vice versa .
Focuses on the impact of media on the worship of worship , and media consumption on the amount of worship .