
  • 网络idolatry;Idol worship;a cult figure
  1. 尼布甲尼撒王是巴比伦的国王,一个以崇拜偶像及巫术及秘术著名的王国。

    King Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylon , a kingdom renowned for its idolatry and witchcraft and occult arts .

  2. 对于大多数家长来说,吴萌的故事仅仅是崇拜偶像中一个反面教材。

    To many parents , Wu 's story is just another bad example of the dangers of idol worship .

  3. 传教士指责当地人崇拜偶像。

    The missionaries rebuked the natives for worshipping images .

  4. 这位通俗歌手成为年轻人的崇拜偶像。

    The pop star is the idol of young people .

  5. 魔怪将提供证据来反对那些崇拜偶像的人。

    The genii will give evidence against those who have worshipped idols .

  6. 难道这个崇拜偶像的人真的信这个偶像是神吗?

    But does an idolater really believe that an idol is the actual god ?

  7. 拜偶像的是崇拜偶像的人。

    An idolater is a worshipper of idols .

  8. 那个国家的反对崇拜偶像者之一。

    One of the country 's iconoclasts .

  9. 切勿对崇拜偶像的人过于苛责,他们是在崇奉他们所知道的最美好的事物。

    Do not be too fierce with the idolaters , - they worship the best thing they know .

  10. 圣经里还有先知也指出,牧师们曾有崇拜偶像的事,从异教徒的礼仪。

    Other biblical prophets pointed out that priests had started worshiping idols in the temple and engaging in pagan rituals .

  11. 闰土要香炉和烛台的时候,我还暗地里笑他,以为他总是崇拜偶像,什么时候都不忘却。

    When bissextile earth wants censer and candlestick , I still laugh at him stealthily , think he always is idolatrous , when to forget .

  12. 你喜欢聪明、有幽默感、不被常规、世俗观点束缚的人。你并不是一个反对崇拜偶像者,但是枯燥、机械重复的学习确实会让你感到乏味。

    You appreciate people who are clever , have a good sense of humor , and who do not simply follow the status quo or accepted views .

  13. 古埃及人当初就是由于对烤朱鹭烧河马有种崇拜偶像似的偏爱,所以到今天你还在那些个金字塔,也就是他们那些巨大的烧烤房里看见这些动物的木乃伊.

    It is out of the idolatrous dotings of the old Egyptians upon broiled ibis and roasted river horse , that you see the mummies of those creatures in their huge bakehouses the pyramids .

  14. 同书另一处又说,基甸拒绝崇拜偶像而崇奉上帝雅赫维,因而雅赫维激励基甸及其族人击败米甸人。

    In another version , he replaced worship of the local deity , Baal , with that of Yahweh ( the God of Israel ), and the power of Yahweh enabled his tribe to destroy the Midianites .

  15. 那位歌手在美国已成为人们狂热崇拜的偶像。

    The singer has become a cult figure in America .

  16. 她死后成了部分人狂热崇拜的偶像。

    Since her death , she has become a cult figure

  17. 他能模仿大多数自己崇拜的偶像的讲话和写作风格。

    He could imitate in speech or writing most of those he admired .

  18. 5年前,我在纽约的一个晚宴派对上遇到了记者和电影制作人诺拉•埃夫龙(NoraEphron),当时她70岁,是我崇拜的偶像。

    Five years ago , I met Nora Ephron , the journalist-cum-film-maker ( then 70 ) at a dinner party in New York . I was starstruck .

  19. 埃里克心里很难受,因为他崇拜的偶像竟是泥足巨人。

    Eric is sad because his idol has feet of clay .

  20. 皮特此时已经成为青少年崇拜的偶像了。

    By this time Pitt had become a teenage idol .

  21. 那个年月,他是我崇拜的偶像。

    He was an idol of mine in those days .

  22. 幻想;【逻辑学】谬论例句这位流行歌手成为年轻人崇拜的偶像。

    The pop singer is the idol of young people .

  23. 对我们这一代人来说,肯尼迪是我们崇拜的偶像。

    To people of our generation Kennedy was a god .

  24. 而现在十几岁、二十几岁的年轻人崇拜的偶像可不同了。

    People who are teenagers now will have different icons .

  25. 只是因为你差不多是我崇拜的偶像。

    It 's just you 're kind of one of my heroes .

  26. 这是我所崇拜的偶像一个很简单的要求

    It 's a simple request from a man that I idolized .

  27. 多年来,马云在中国一直是受人崇拜的偶像人物。

    Mr Ma has been a cult figure in China for years .

  28. 我8岁时,我的几个叔叔都是我崇拜的偶像。

    When I was eight years old , my uncles were my gods .

  29. 年,贝多芬到了维也纳,见到了他崇拜的偶像莫扎特。

    In1787 , Beethoven traveled to Vienna and met his idol , Mozart .

  30. 你就能成为年轻人崇拜的偶像。

    You can become a model for young people who will look up to you .