- petrology

The petrology and mineralogy of group C Eclogite at Qingdao and its geological significance
Application of Powder X-ray Diffraction in Petrology and Mineralogy
Petrological and mineralogical examinations of core material can be used to identify hydrothermal alterations .
Application of X-ray radiography in the petrological study of pelite
Petrological and Nd , Sr , Ph Isotopic Evidence for Genesis of Mesozoic Magmatic Rocks in Nanjing-Wuhu Area
Petrology of the basalt basements in two seamounts Ma and MC of Magellan Seamounts
The petrological and geochemical characteristics of the eclogite face metamorphic palaeo-ocean crust ( serpentite , type C eclogite and basic mylonite ) have been studied with electron-probe and other methods .
( 2 ) The study of petrography , and mineral chemistry of Ca - , Al-rich inclusions from various groups of chondrites .
They have the characteristics of homologous evolution on petrology , petrochemistry and geochemistry .
These volcanic rocks are characteristic of volcanic lithofacies and of chemical composition of higer MgO and lower SiO_2 in petrology .
Organic petrological analysis , Eval-Rock pyrolysis and 13C NMR analysis have been carried out on shale , carbonaceous shale and coal samples .
Eclogite-facies ophiolite melange in qingdao : its petrological evidence and P-T path
Rock thin section analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis show that different sedimentary microfacies have different petrographic properties . The experiment analysis also slows that same charateristics in reservoir sensitivity also exist .
The petrologic characteristic and the pore types of Y8 ~ Y10 reservoir are studied by X ray diffraction method , the quantitative mineral clay analysis method and thin section analysis method .
The nature of mineralogy , petrology and geochemistry also provides reliable information to prove that primitive tuffaceous sedimentary rock underwent " soaking effect " in a kind of brine and formed scapolite biotite rock .
P-T condition and phase equilibrium of lawsonite-blueschists in northern Qilian Mountains and its petrologic significance
This paper stresses the study on the petrology , mineralogy , petrochemistry , REE geochemistry , age and petrogenesis of the jadeite-cancrinite syenite .
~ ( 40 ) Ar / ~ ( 39 ) Ar dating of sericite from altered dacite porphyry and quartz porphyry in Yinshan polymetallic deposit of Jiangxi Province and its geological significance
From the viewpoint of petrology , maceral characteristics of fly ash ( FA ) and bottom ash ( BA ) have been investigated in detail using microscope , X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) .
In this paper the authors discuss their characteristics in terms of geology , petrology , petrochemistry , REE and U Pb isotopic age .
Based on the data from experimental petrology , the acid-intermediate igneous rocks ( synitic , monzonitic , QY-dioritic ) without negative Eu-anomaly seem to have formed at the base of thickened crust or in the mountain root zone .
The method of simple data processing and diagram making with Excel software in petrographic study is introduced in detail , taking the REE distribution curve and Q-A-P triangular diagram as examples .
MOR - and SSZ - type ophiolites are recognized in the Bangong Lake by the field work and the detailed study of petrology , mineralogy and geochemistry .
The petrography , chemistry characters and formation of a kind of especial amoeboid olivine aggregate in allende ( cv3 ) meteorites
The petrological Moho depth based on the N ü shan geotherm is ca 31 km consistent with the seismic Moho depth , which shows that there is no obvious crust-mantle transition zone in the area .
It is suggested that Long Cao Ping gneiss might be an old ( late Archean era ) and basic TTG suite after discussing the characteristics of geology , petrology and geochemistry .
The volcanic geology and the petrological characteristics of the Stansbury peninsula , Nelson Island , West Antarctica
On the based of petrology , minerals composition and the peak P-T conditions , the eclogites across the South Dabie can be divided into three types of eclogites : ① ultrahigh-pressure ( UHP ) eclogites ;
Two samples ( 9DG , 9DG-2 ) were dredged from Huangyan Seamount in2005 and detail petrological , geochemical and chronological analyses were conducted .
Detailed petrologic , geochemical and Sr-Nd-Hf-U-Pb isotopic researches indicate that the Wuping granitic complex consist mainly of biotite granite and garnet-bearing granite with different formation age and petrogenesis .