
jū qún
  • population
居群[jū qún]
  1. 桫椤居群遗传多样性及遗传结构的RAPD分析

    RAPD Analysis of Population Genetic Diversity and Genetic Structure of Alsophila Spinulosa

  2. 泽泻rDNAITS区序列特征及其居群鉴别研究

    Studies on Characteristics of rDNA ITS Sequences and Population Authentication of Alisma orientale

  3. 居群(population)概念和方法在植物分类学中的应用

    The application of the concept and method of population to plant taxonomy

  4. 单个居群的多态带百分率P从21.84%到25.29%,平均值为24.14%。

    The percentage of polymorphic bands ( P ) was from 21.84 % to 25.29 % , 24.14 % on average at the population level .

  5. 四川麦冬自然居群间RAPD分析

    RAPD on natural populations in Ophiopogon japonicus in Sichuan Province

  6. 贵州和四川头花蓼居群的RAPD多态性研究

    RAPD Polymorphism of Polygonum capitatum Population from Guizhou and Sichuan

  7. 其中也有两个居群的染色体类型不含有近端部着丝粒染色体(st)。

    However , there are two populations in which do not contain any acrocentric chromosome .

  8. 铁皮石斛野生居群遗传多样性的RAPD分析与鉴别

    Genetic diversity and molecular authentication of wild populations of Dendrobium officinale by RAPD

  9. 华东竹黄菌不同居群遗传分化的RAPD分析

    Genetic Differentiation of Shiraia bambusicola Populations from East China Revealed by RAPD Analysis

  10. 利用SSR分子标记分析苎麻居群的取样策略

    Sampling Strategy of Boehmeria nivea Population by SSR Molecular Markers

  11. 铁皮石斛野生居群研究(Ⅳ):RAPD反应体系的构建与优化

    Studies of Wild Populations of Dendrobium officinale (ⅳ): Establishment and Optimization of RAPD Reaction System

  12. 我们在野外采样时,将新鲜材料压制成干标本,成功地应用于芨芨草居群的RAPD分析。

    The sample dried by pressure was succeed in applying Achnatherum splendens populations for RAPD analysis .

  13. 目前有关B染色体在居群中数目多态保持有2种传统观点:杂合优势模型和寄生模型。

    There are two traditional views about the processes that maintain B chromosome polymorphisms in populations at present , which are the parasitic model and the heterotic model .

  14. 按居群取样,用SAS软件统计,并做巢式方差分析。

    Different populations were sampled and made for statistics and nested analysis by SAS .

  15. 单因素方差分析F检验表明,除分株数外的4个形态性状在14个居群中均表现为差异极显著。

    Variance analysis of single factor indicates that there are significant differences in morphological indexes except branch number in 14 natural populations .

  16. 居群之间有一定的基因流动,基因流(Nm)为1.5。

    The gene flow among populations ( Nm ) was 1.5 . According to the UPGMA cluster analysis based on the genetic distance , ten populations of C.

  17. 不同居群鱼腥草中As和Hg及666·DDT的测定

    Determination of As , Hg and 666 , DDT of different Houttuynia cordata Accessions

  18. 铁皮石斛野生居群的ISSR分子指纹标记

    ISSR Molecular Fingerprinting marker of Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo Populations

  19. 经SPSS分析表明居群间的遗传距离与地理距离相关性不明显,说明地理位置条件对遗传结构没有有明显的影响。

    There was not a relationship between genetic and geographical distances among populations analyzed by SPSS software .

  20. 但叉毛蓬亚居群的遗传分化系数(G(ST))为0.3052,说明亚居群间已有明显的遗传分化发生。

    And the genetic differentiation coefficient was 0.3052 , which showed the genetic differentiation had occurred among subpopulations of P.sibirica in the oasis-desert zone .

  21. 模拟UV-B辐射增强条件下灯盏花居群的生理差异及其遗传背景

    Physiological differences and their genetic backgrounds of Erigeron breviscapus populations under enhanced UV-B radiation

  22. 刺槐不同居群遗传多样性的ISSR分析

    ISSR Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Robinia pseudoacacia Populations

  23. 方法:用40个引物对7个居群的南苍术、北苍术及关苍术进行RAPD分析。

    Chinensis by RAPD analysis . Method : Using 10 random primers , RAPD of seven Atractylodes samples was performed .

  24. RAPD技术用于检测野生牡丹居群内与居群间的遗传变异是有用的与可行的;

    RAPD as a molecular marker was useful and feasible for detecting the genetic variation within species of wild moutans .

  25. 9个居群平均观察等位基因数Na为14224,总Na为17939;

    In the 9 populations , the total observed number of alleles ( Na ) was 1.7939 and the average Na was 1.4224 ;

  26. 为探讨白芍原植物各居群间的遗传多样性及亲缘关系,本实验应用RAPD技术,使用40条随机引物对10个白芍原植物居群的叶片总DNA进行PCR扩增。

    RAPD is used to study the genetic diversity and relationship of plant populations of Radix Paeonia Alba , in which 40 random primers are used .

  27. 利用ISSR标记对新疆白梭梭居群的遗传多样性分析

    Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Haloxylon persicum ( Chenopodiaceae ) in Xinjiang by ISSR

  28. 对黄牡丹的花粉萌发条件的研究结果表明:4个黄牡丹居群花粉萌发所需pH值表现出两水平分化;

    The findings of the conditions for the pollen germination of Paeonia lutea showed that pH values needed by four different Paeonia lutea populations took on two level differentiation .

  29. 目的采用RAPD分子标记技术,对铁皮石斛8个野生居群的遗传多样性、亲缘关系以及分子鉴别等进行研究。

    Aim Genetic diversity , relationship and molecular authentication of total 8 wild populations of Dendrobium officinale were investigated using RAPD markers .

  30. 同时,本文借助RAPD及ISSR分子标记,对长筒石蒜居群遗传多样性和不同花色变异类型进行了研究。

    Using RAPD and ISSR , population genetic diversity and flower variation types of Lycoris longituba were also studied .