
  • 网络dysuria;painful urination;urodynia;odynuria;urinary pain
  1. 上尿路感染或急性肾盂肾炎经常出现发热、寒颤、腰部疼痛和不同程度尿痛、尿急和尿频。

    Upper UTI or acute pyelonephritis often presents with fever , chills , flank pain , and varying degrees of dysuria , urgency , and frequency .

  2. 调理脾胃法能明显改善前列腺癌患者纳呆、乏力、排尿困难、尿痛等症状。

    The method can obviously improve the spleen and stomach in patients with prostate cancer anorexia , fatigue , difficulty in urination , dysuria and other symptoms .

  3. CP的临床表现可分为五大类:①下尿路刺激症状:尿频,尿急,尿痛等;

    The clinical signs and symptoms of CP can be divided into 5 parts : 1 , the stimulation symptoms of lower urinary route : frequent micturition , urgent micturition , painful micturition .

  4. 观察两组用药前、用药后1月、用药后3月的临床症状(每日排尿次数、夜尿次数、尿急和尿痛程度)和尿动力学参数(FDV、MCC、Qmax)。

    Clinical efficacy ( daily emiction frequency , nocturia frequency , urgency and odynuria degree ) and urine kinetic parameters ( FDV , MCC , Qmax ) of the 2 groups before treatment , 1 month and 3 months after treatment were evaluated .

  5. 它会引起关节痛,眼部的炎症,有时还出现尿痛,也会导致慢性关节炎。

    It causes joint pain , eye inflammation , sometimes painful urination , and can lead to chronic arthritis .

  6. 报道腺性膀胱炎15例,主要症状为尿频、尿急、尿痛,血尿及排尿不畅。

    Fifteen cases of cystitis glandularis were reported . The main symptoms were frequency and urgency of micturition , hematuria and dysuria .

  7. 急性细菌膀胱炎通常存在尿痛、尿频和尿急,有时与耻骨弓上压痛或压力不适感,和很少伴有血尿或发热。

    Acute bacterial cystitis usually presents with dysuria , urinary frequency and urgency , sometimes with suprapubic pain or pressure , and rarely with hematuria or fever .

  8. 结果3种模式的前列腺腔内手术后,血尿持续时间与尿痛持续时间比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);

    Results Three modes were performed , which did not show obvious differences between the duration of macroscopic hematuria and irritative voiding symptoms ( P > 0.05 ) .

  9. 尿频、尿痛等膀胱刺激症和迟发性不良反应(尿道狭窄和前列腺炎)两组比较,P<0.05,观察组明显低于对照组。

    The occurrence of the irritative symptoms of bladder and delayed side effects in the observation group was significantly lower than in the control group ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  10. 2例出现与月经有关的周期性腹痛及膀胱刺激征(1例表现为尿痛及血尿,1例表现为尿急、尿频)。

    Endometriosis of bladder was found in 1 patient by routine checkup and in 2 by periodic abdominal pain and bladder irritation during the menses ( one with urodynia and hematuria , another with precipitant urination and urinary frequency ) .