
  1. 人们并非不知道这种经济关系,那为何通过临时性就业措施方面的法案是如此之难呢?

    These economic relationships are not unknown , so why is it proving so hard to pass legislation related to temporary jobs measures ?

  2. 完善就业配套措施,创造有利的就业制度环境。

    Consummates the employment necessary measure , creates the advantageous employment environment .

  3. 促进再就业的措施几乎空白;

    The measures of promoting reemployment are nearly nothing ;

  4. 基于大学教育与失业预警机制的大学生就业应对措施探讨

    Measure analysis for undergraduate employment based on university education and the System of unemployment early-warning

  5. 采取积极主动的就业服务措施。

    Adopting active employment service measures .

  6. 通常可以促进增长和就业的措施几乎起不到什么效果,甚至会适得其反。

    Measures that usually promote growth and job creation can have little effect , or backfire .

  7. 英国从启动奥运场馆建设开始,就着手实施就业改革措施。

    The employment transformation initiative began with the start of work on the UK games sites .

  8. 论对下岗职工再创业的金融支持加速创业与就业的措施

    The Financial Supports to the Job Recreation of the Laid off Workers Measures on speeding up self-employment and employment

  9. 最后,本文通过国内外大学生就业政策措施的比较研究,提出如下政策建议:鼓励大学生创业;

    The article makes a comparison research between employment policies and measurements of foreign and domestic graduates , thus gives suggestions as follows : encourage start-ups ;

  10. 奥巴马的顾问们承认,在国会提出更多要求后,最终的经济刺激方案可能会超过8000亿美元,但奥巴马警告国会议员,要聚焦于那些最有利于创造就业的措施。

    Obama advisers accept that the final package is likely to exceed $ 800bn after additions are made by Congress but the president-elect has warned legislators to keep focused on measures that will create the most jobs .

  11. 国家采取财政、税收、保险、教育、住房、就业等支持措施,减轻家庭生育、养育、教育负担。

    The country will roll out more supportive measures in terms of finance , taxation , insurance , education , housing and employment , to ease the burden on families in terms of childbearing , childcare and education .

  12. 西方发达国家促进就业的主要措施及启示

    The Main Measures of Promoting Employment in Western Developed Countries and its Enlightening Guidance

  13. 面对入世后产业结构调整扩大就业的政策措施

    The policy measures of expanding employment facing the adjustment of industrial structure after joining WTO

  14. 建立完善的失业人员法律保障体系是保障失业人员顺利实现再就业的重要措施。

    To build perfect legal guarantee system of the unemployment is the important measure to ensure the unemployed obtain a job once again successfully .

  15. 要使该曲线从恶性变形转变为良性变形,必须通过控制通货膨胀率、扩展经济发展空间、增加就业率等措施来创造良好的社会预期。

    In order to make the change form vicious to better , control the currency inflation , promote economical space and increase employment are the necessary measures .

  16. 我的愿望是,各国政府能够降低公共债务,使它们能够重新投资于基础设施建设、科研和其他能够激活就业市场的措施。

    My aspiration would be for governments to reduce public debt , allowing them to reinvest in infrastructure , research and other means of energising labour markets .

  17. 特别是出台了大学毕业生和农民工就业的各项措施,进一步开辟公益性就业岗位,千方百计减缓金融危机对就业的影响。

    In particular , we have introduced various policy measures to help college graduates and migrant workers find jobs and provided more government-funded jobs in public service .

  18. 为了解决失业问题,政府出台了相关的政策、法规,但是如何将就业政策和措施制度化,成为当前急需解决的重大课题。

    In order to solve the unemployment problem , the Government introduced many relevant policies , laws and regulations . Now how to institutionalize the employment policies and measures becomes a major issue .

  19. 缓解城乡就业压力的措施是推进小城镇建设,发展非正规部门、非农产业经济,加强基础设施建设,促进教育事业的发展,变消极就业为积极就业。

    The measure of moderating the pressure is to improve the construction of cities , develop informal sector and non-agricultural industry , consolidate fundamental installment , further education , switch passive employment to active employment .

  20. 实践证明,农户从事兼业经营既是提高收入、增加就业的有力措施,同时又是降低风险的重要手段。

    The experiences and practice results in many developed countries and regions indicate that management of part-time farmer 's household has been proved an effective and successful measure to increase the farmer 's income and reduce the market risk .

  21. 党和国家对弱势群体问题十分重视,采取低保救助、广开就业渠道等措施帮助弱势群体克服困境。

    Our Party and our government pay much attention to the problem of the social vulnerable group and the government has taken many measures to help the social vulnerable group overcome their difficulties , such as , the lowest income aim and widening the employment channel , etc.

  22. 第五部分,结合实际,提出完善欠发达县域中职学校就业工作的措施建议。要完善县域政府部门、中职学校、学生及家长的作为。

    The fifth part is the measures . To improve the underdeveloped county secondary schools ' employment work , we should combine with reality , and put forward some measures and must perfect the action of the county government , secondary school , the students and their parents .

  23. 调整产业结构,增加就业机会等对策措施。

    Adjust the industrial structure , increase employment opportunity , etc.

  24. 新时期大学生就业压力分析及其措施

    Analysis on Employment Pressure and Corresponding Measures of College Students in New Era

  25. 略论解决中国就业问题的政策措施

    Policy Measures to Solve the Problem of Employment

  26. 我国当前的就业形势及应对措施

    China 's Current Employment Situation and Measure

  27. 认真落实促进下岗失业人员再就业的各项政策措施。

    Policies and measures designed to encourage reemployment of laid-off workers must be conscientiously carried out .

  28. 在此基础上,提出提升民办高校大学生就业能力的保障措施。

    In this foundation , proposed improve university students ' employment ability run by the security measures .

  29. 低增长率、蔓延的财政紧缩计划和终止创造就业机会的刺激措施,危及到了未来的整体就业形势。

    Poor growth , widespread austerity programmes and the winding up of job-creating stimulus measures threaten further unemployment overall .

  30. 就大学毕业生失业问题的成因,提出了从完善制度入手,缓解和解决大学生就业问题的对策措施。

    Based on the causes of the unemployment of university graduates , the paper proposes some countermeasures from system perfection .