
  • 网络employment training;Job training;vocational training
  1. 据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,这项计划将动用现有的6亿美元资金,用于扩大就业培训和学徒计划。

    NPR 's Craig Windham reports that plan will drive existing funds to offer 600 million dollars in grants to expand job training and apprentice programs .

  2. 他们会提供就业培训和潜在职位方面非常有价值的信息。

    They provide valuable information about job training and potential openings .

  3. 政府表示希望彻底改革就业培训计划以实现低成本高效益。

    The government said it wanted to overhaul the employment training scheme to make it cost effective

  4. 截止20日,最热门职位来自中国就业培训技术指导中心的一个岗位,吸引了1430位报名者。

    The most sought-after job as of Tuesday remained a position offered by the China Employment Training Technical Instruction Center in Beijing , which had drawn 1430 applicants .

  5. 除此之外,提供技能和就业培训的职业课程在印度教育界越来越受欢迎。

    Apart from that , the Indian educational sector1 is seeing a rise in the popularity of vocational courses among students who are seeking skill-training and job-oriented courses .

  6. 学校校长迈克尔·罗斯(MICHAELS.Roth)说,他希望就业培训项目和学生们一起从第一年就开始思考,怎么样才能将他们的所学推而广之到其他领域中去。

    Michael S. Roth , the school 's president , says he wants the career program to work with our students from the first year to think about how what they 're learning can be translated into other spheres .

  7. 本文为了研究更为深入和实践意义,将研究题目确定为低薪寒流背景下大学生就业培训研究&基于STC视角。

    In order to achieve a thoroughly and practical aim of the research , the paper topic identified as students employment training and research in the background of cold low-Paid & perspective on STC .

  8. 企业顾问和大学生就业培训师盖尔·麦克丹尼尔(GailMcDaniel)接触过不少典型案例。他最近接触过一家医疗保健企业的经理们,后者对公司的新生代员工感到十分沮丧。

    Gail McDaniel , a corporate consultant and career coach for college students , spoke to managers at a health-care company who were frustrated by some of their millennial employees .

  9. 改革就业培训与职业教育的办学模式;

    Reform the educational pattern of employment training and profession teaching ;

  10. 重庆市农转非劳动力就业培训对策研究

    Research into employment training countermeasure for non-agricultural labor force in Chongqing

  11. 就业培训对于扭转当地的经济形式是极为重要的。

    Retraining is vital to turn the local economy around .

  12. 我一直在帮她进行就业培训。

    And I 've been helping her with the job training program .

  13. 德国再就业培训的主要项目及其实施特点

    Main Reemployment Training Programs and their Implementation Features in Germany

  14. 浅谈下岗职工的再就业培训

    On Re - employment Training for Laid - off Workers

  15. 农业劳动力转移理论及就业培训机制研究

    Research on the theory for Agricultural Labor Transference and Employment Train Mechanism

  16. 武汉市郊农业劳动力转移就业培训模式研究

    Study on the Shift Employment Training Mode of Rural-Surplus Labor of Wuhan City

  17. 重庆市下岗职工再就业培训问题探究

    Study on the Training Programe of Unemployed Workers for Their Re-employment in Chongqing

  18. 运用学校教育资源开展就业培训服务的思考

    Using College Teaching Resource to Conduct Employment Training Service

  19. 积极探索再就业培训新路

    Exploring New Ways of Vocational Training for Re-employment

  20. 战后世界再就业培训战略及启示

    Reemployment training strategy and revelation in Post-World War

  21. 以致没有财力给那些真正有需要的人提供就业培训。

    So there 's no money left to help these people with job training .

  22. 专业教育·就业培训·创业指导&高校在大学生就业方面的定位

    Specialty Education , Employment Training and Career Guidance & Orientation of Undergraduates ' Job-hunting

  23. 奥巴马总统在马里兰州拉纳姆一个就业培训中心宣布了该计划。

    Mister Obama announced the plan at a job training center in Lanham , Maryland .

  24. 其次,对我国当前农民工就业培训的现状和存在的问题进行了分析。

    Secondly , it analyzes some problems of the training of migrant workers in China .

  25. 经过就业培训,他们的经验和任职,与越来越多的责任。

    After job training , they gain experience and serve in positions with increasing responsibility .

  26. 美国再就业培训立法及分析

    American Reemployment Training Legislation and Analysis

  27. 入城农民工就业培训中政府角色定位分析&以云南省调查为例

    An Analysis of the Position of Government Role in the Training of Peasant Workers in City

  28. 对下岗失业人员的职业介绍和再就业培训等服务都要免费。

    Job introduction and reemployment training service for laid-off and unemployed workers should be provided gratis .

  29. 你被雇用啦!浅议再就业培训

    On the Training for Re employment

  30. 从2001年起,政府开始实施第二期“三年千万”再就业培训计划。

    The government began to carry out the second phase of the reemployment training program in2001 .