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  • 网络third sister you
  1. 尤三姐是贾珍之妻尤氏的妹妹,她花容月貌,性格刚烈。

    Third Sister You , a very pretty and strong character , was the sister of jia Zhen 's wife .

  2. 尤三姐与苔丝是中外文学史上两个著名的悲剧人物,两个人物的悲剧都是社会的悲剧,性格的悲剧,同时也是命运的悲剧。

    Third Sister You and Tess are two tragic characters in Chinese literature and western literature . Both of the two character 's tragedies were the tragedy of society , the tragedy of personality , as well as the tragedy of fate .

  3. 尤三姐形象的社会认知价值苔丝与尤三姐对比分析

    Value of You San-jie 's Image Comparison between Tess and Third Sister You

  4. 苔丝与尤三姐对比分析

    Comparison between Tess and Third Sister You