
xiǎo ɡāo lú
  • mini BF;mini blast furnace
  1. PC在小高炉上料系统中的应用

    Application of PC in Charging System at a Small Blast Furnace

  2. 小高炉回收铅银生产实践

    Practice of Recovery of Lead and Silver with Small Blast Furnace

  3. 小高炉原料系统的设计与实践

    Design and practice in feed material system of small blast furnace

  4. 谈小高炉结瘤的处理

    A discussion on the disposal method of the salamander of small blast-furnace

  5. 小高炉冶炼复合锰矿时铅的回收

    Lead recovery of smelting complex manganese ore in small BF

  6. 0.1m~3小高炉试炼锰硅合金

    Trial production of Mn-Si alloy in 0.1 m ~ 3 small blast furnace

  7. 小高炉群球团矿、焦炭实现皮带运输

    A modification to small-sized blast furnace complex : belt conveyance of pellet and coke

  8. 小高炉配冷固结球团矿冶炼试验

    Trial smelting of charges with cold - bound pellets in a small blast furnace

  9. 小高炉长寿实践

    The Long Life Practice of Small Blast Furnace

  10. 并推荐了一种关于富锰渣小高炉炉型计算法。

    The author proposes a method to calculate dimensions of small blast furnaces for producing manganese rich-slag .

  11. 分析了300~600m3小高炉使用铜冷却壁的经济可行性。

    The feasibility of using copper cooling wall for 300 ~ 600 m 3 blast furnaces is analyzed .

  12. 陶瓷基复合耐热涂层在小高炉风口上的应用研究

    Study on the application of ceramic base compound thermoduric coating on the tuyere of the small blast furnace

  13. 小高炉使用硫酸渣炼铁能降低生产成本,减少污染。

    Production costs and pollution can be reduced in iron-smelting by means of SAD in small blast furnace .

  14. 详细介绍沙钢小高炉电炉钢包炉小方坯连铸单线高速轧机构成的紧凑型硬线生产线每一环节的技术特点和优越性。

    The technical characteristics and superiority of the compact production line of MBF-EAF-LF-billet CC-single line wire rod mill in Shagang were introduced .

  15. 高炉强化尚有潜力,应按照优秀大高炉的操作条件,以充分发挥小高炉自身优势。

    According to the productive conditions of excellent large BF in order to bring the self-superiority of the small BF into full play .

  16. 地方钢铁企业的小高炉,其产生的高炉煤气除用来烧热风炉外,有很大部分都放散掉了。

    A great amount of BF gas fron small BF of local I & S enterprises is discharged except the small part for hot-blast stove .

  17. 在加粒煤工艺推广实施后,从高炉操作调剂上进一步完善,使之成为中、小高炉以煤代焦降低成本的有效途径。

    After being spread the above process will be an effective way to substitute coke with coal to reduce cost if companied by improvement in furnace operation .

  18. 淘汰小高炉生产能力975万吨、炼钢能力1300万吨、轧钢能力1829万吨;

    As much as 9,750,000 tons of small furnace productive capacity , 13,000,000 tons of steel-making capacity and 18,290,000 tons of steel rolling capacity had been cut down .

  19. 设有混铁炉的小高炉-转炉界面流程存在诸多缺点,需要对现有流程进行优化,逐步实现铁水包功能综合化。

    Due to existent shortcomings in the interface route of small BF-small LD with mixer , it is necessary to optimize the present route so as to realize comprehensive ladle functions step by step .

  20. 采用铬渣烧结矿作为熔剂,在30m3小高炉上进行了冶炼含铬生铁的工业化生产试验。

    A pilot study on the industrialized production of chrome pig iron was carried out in a small - sized blast furnace of 30m  ̄ 3 by using a sintered ore of chrome slag as flux .

  21. W型新结构风口小套在128m~3高炉上的作用

    The Application of W New Type Structure Tuyere Small Sleeve in 128m 3 BF

  22. 高炉风口小套在其中起着关键的作用,风口小套是高炉进风系统的重要零件,承担将高温的风送进炉子内部的任务,保证高炉正常生产的关键零件。

    The small set of blast furnace tuyere plays a key role , and it is an important equipment set into the wind system , which can ensure the normal production of blast furnace , undertaking the task of sending high temperature wind into the internal stove .