
  • 网络ichiro ozawa
  1. 在周二的选举中,菅直人(NaotoKan)赢得了721张选票,竞争对手小泽一郎(IchiroOzawa)获得491张选票。

    Mr. Kan won 721 votes in Tuesday 's election , compared with Ichiro Ozawa 's 491 ballots .

  2. 抛售日元的时机和规模,令许多市场参与者颇为吃惊。他们原本认为在菅直人领导下,政府进行干预的可能性要低于其党内竞争对手小泽一郎(IchiroOzawa)领导下的情形。

    The timing and scale of the yen selling came as a surprise to many market participants who had believed intervention was less likely under Mr Kan than it would have been under his Democratic party rival Ichiro Ozawa .

  3. 大量发行的报纸《读卖新闻》(yomiuri)的一项最新调查显示,菅直人与小泽一郎“难分上下”。

    The latest survey by the mass circulation Yomiuri newspaper showed Mr Kan and Mr Ozawa running " neck and neck " .

  4. 日本共同通讯社(kyodo)发现,小泽一郎在国会议员中略占优势,但表示,它对地方议员的调查发现,菅直人以65比35点领先。

    Kyodo News Agency found Mr Ozawa had a slight edge among diet members , but said its survey of local assembly members found the prime minister with a 65-35 lead .

  5. 民主党(DPJ)里有很多忠于小泽一郎的后座议员,小泽一郎以前是民主党的领袖,由于资金筹集丑闻他从民主党领袖的位置上退了下来,但是他依然在暗地里削弱菅直人的势力。

    The DPJ is stuffed with backbenchers loyal to Ichiro Ozawa , an old-timer who resigned from the party leadership because of a fund-raising scandal but who still undermines Mr Kan .

  6. 冷战后小泽一郎在日本政坛的角色和作用

    Ichiro Ozawa 's Role in Japan Politics after the Cold War

  7. 与小泽一郎一刀两断才标志着真正变革的到来。

    Getting rid of Mr Ozawa would be a sign of real change .

  8. 他的血型是A型,而他的对手&反对党领袖小泽一郎的血型是B型。

    He 's an A.His rival , opposition leader Ichiro Ozawa , is a B.

  9. 但小泽一郎不同,虽然只比菅直人年长四岁,但他却似乎永远没有走下舞台。

    Though only four years older than Mr Kan , he seems to have been around forever .

  10. 三个月前,在一场政治资金丑闻中,小泽一郎从民主党二号职位辞职。

    Ozawa resigned from the DPJ 's second-highest post three months ago in a political funding scandal .

  11. 任何一点失职的迹象,都将成为小泽一郎再次攻击菅直人的靶子。

    Any sign of weakness , and Mr Ozawa may once again take pot shots at Mr Kan .

  12. 日本所有头脑正常的人都表示,他们反对据称由小泽一郎代表的金钱政治。

    All right-thinking people in Japan say they are against the money politics Mr Ozawa is said to represent .

  13. 《读卖新闻》表示,甚至在上任第一年的议员中,菅直人与小泽一郎的支持率都不相上下。

    The Yomiuri said Mr Kan was matching Mr Ozawa 's support even among first-term " freshman " legislators .

  14. 第一,小泽一郎扮演的角色使人不安,他是一个斯文加利式人物,在鸠山背后虎视眈眈。

    The first is the role of Ichiro Ozawa , the Svengali-like figure who stood mischievously behind Mr Hatoyama .

  15. 鸠山由纪夫宣布了自己的辞职意向后表示,他已要求小泽一郎也辞去职务。

    Announcing his intention to resign , Mr Hatoyama said that he had asked Mr Ozawa to step down too .

  16. 如果小泽一郎继续保持强大的影响力,他只会使以后任何一个党魁在选民心中的地位黯然失色。

    If Mr Ozawa remains influential , he will only undermine any future party leader in the eyes of voters .

  17. 民主党普通党员普遍支持菅直人。他的竞争对手小泽一郎是老练的政治掮客,获得了民主党议会成员几乎一半的选票。

    His opponent Ozawa , a veteran powerbroker , captured the votes of nearly half of the DPJ 's members of parliament .

  18. 与鸠山一样,小泽一郎也深陷竞选资金丑闻,这些丑闻散发出的恶臭跟自民党的有得一拼。

    Like Mr Hatoyama , Mr Ozawa has been caught up in campaign-funding scandals that have reeked as badly as they ever did under the LDP .

  19. 候选人的演讲都集中于日本一蹶不振的经济状况,许多政治分析家认为,这场选举更像是小泽一郎的最后挣扎,以防被菅直人的政权逼向穷途末路。

    While the candidates'speeches focused on Japan 's ailing economy , many political analysts saw the campaign as an attempt by Ozawa to prevent being sidelined by the Kan administration .

  20. 小泽一郎在民主党议会成员中获得强大支持意味着菅直人难以获得扭转日本经济困境所需的法律上的影响力。

    The strong support Ozawa garnered among the party 's members of Parliament could mean Mr. Kan may not enjoy the legislative clout he needs to tackle Japan 's economic s.

  21. 希弗说,他以前从未见过小泽一郎,说明美国政府与这个以前从未认真谋取权力的政党之间关系有多么淡薄。

    Mr Schieffer said he had never met Mr Ozawa , an indication of how thin relations are between Washington and a party that has never seriously vied for power before .

  22. 她也将会见日本民主党党首小泽一郎,如果最大的反对党能在今年的国会选举中获胜,小泽一郎将成为日本首相。

    She is also meeting the leader of the Democratic Party of Japan , Ichiro Ozawa , who could become prime minister if the largest opposition party comes to power in this year 's national election .