- Array;Array;Array;Kitchen God Festival

(1) [a lunar year in which the last month has 29 days]
(2) 指农历腊月是二十九天的年份
(3) 节日,腊月二十三或二十四日,旧俗在这天祭灶
(4) [off year]∶指果树结果少,竹木生长慢的年份
The results showed that growth-and-celldivision-promoting IAA , GA and KT in bamboos were high in on-years and low in off-years .
The changes of three kinds of hormone in alternating bearing trees of 15-year-old mandarin " Bendizao "( Citrus reticulata Blanco ) were tested .
These young whippersnappers , who do they think they are ?
She was short and young , maybe still in her teens .
This paper was conceived in a deep solar minimum .
Statistical Characteristics of Solar Minima and the Beginning Minimum of the Solar Cycle 22
Longan floral reversion is regarded as the major cause of longan poor production .
They describe people buying their first homes and filling them with many things .
Today is small new year and my mother gets up early to make a sacrifice to the kitchen god .
Which is the dominant species can hardly reach to only 1 % . It shows that 2004 is off year .
It is our custom to make a sacrifice to the kitchen god on the night before lunar New Year 's Eve .
The Castle in the Forest is a fictional chronicle of Adolf Hitler 's boyhood and explores themes of good and evil .
ABA contents in the buds of ' on ' and ' off ' year trees during floral initiation were measured by GC .
For year-off trees , both root system and new shoots have three growth peaks in yearly cycle , which alternate to each other .
So , shortly before the New Year , he stated to Mother ," We should use Tianyun 's room as the'bathroom'this year . "
The18th January is the Chinese traditional " small year ", the children made European bread and gave it to a home for elderly .
The results showed that the differences of hormone content in the bud between on-year tree and off-year tree were more significant than those in the leaf ;
The difference between the prediction result of the minimum year of solar cycle 24 and actual yearly sunspot number in 2008 does not exceed ± 1.3 .
After stored at room temperature , the seed vigor would decrease even faster with the increase of storage time , compared with that stored at lower temperature .
When my boys were small my wife and I used to buy fireworks and invite some good friends round to set them off and also to eat .
I had a hectic day in the office . Today is small New Year and my mother gets up early to make a sacrifice to the kitchen god .
In spring , year-on and year-off trees had the first growth peak of root system consistent with full flowering and the peak of leaf area growth of vegetative shoots .
For weak year-off trees , new shoots have two growth peaks and roots have only one growth peak , with the other two peaks disappearing in spring and autumn .
After autumn shoots stopped growing , the Autumn peak appeared , but for year-on trees it disappeared , which would affect root occurrence of next spring ( year-off trees ) .
Anyway , off-year in ah , wish the family is in this year , we can health more happiness of life together is good , not too right , all right .
Then it declined to a level lower than its original low level during pistil differentiation , whereas in the " off " year a stable low level cytokinin content was found in the whole developing period .
Collecting the damaged seed cones in the on year and releasing parasitoids in the off year can increase the parasitic rate to 36.5 % ~ 38.2 % and decrease the rate of damaged seed cones to 55.1 % .
The substation optimal planning model that is based on the minimum annual cost is adopted in the paper , which includes capital investment on substation and line , operation cost of substation and the network loss cost of lines .
It is shown that : 1 . The germination rate of shoots in on-year or off-year is high , 4.1 % and 3.4 % respectively , but the shooting rate is much low , 24.9 % and 7.8 % respectively .
Result : From 2-3 years after the solar activity peak , through the 1-3 year before the solar activity valley till the solar activity valley , the hepatitis incidence has a higher level ( P < 0 . 05 ) .