
  1. 小恶魔呢能不能闭嘴

    Where 's the Imp ? Will you shut up ?

  2. 那就叫你夫人放那个小恶魔…

    So tell your wife to return that little shit of an Imp

  3. 你这个小恶魔!这就是你所期望看到的?

    You little demon ! Is this what you wanted to see ?

  4. 释放你内心的小恶魔今晚和我一起玩

    Embrace your inner bad girl and come out with me tonight .

  5. 小恶魔,小指头说。瓦里斯伯爵在一旁看着她的脸。

    The Imp , said Littlefinger as Lord Varys watched her face .

  6. 嘿,小恶魔!你动真格了?

    Hey devil ! Have you taken it seriously ?

  7. 他是兰尼斯特家的小恶魔提利昂.

    He 's Tyrion the imp of house Lannister .

  8. 公立学校将会很好地照顾这些小恶魔们直到入夜。

    State schools will hang on to the little monsters well into the evening .

  9. 听说他人称小恶魔

    Mmm I hear they call him the Imp.

  10. “失去了土地的大人们,”布朗·本说。“就像你,小恶魔。”

    " Landless lords ," said Brown Ben . " Like you , Imp. "

  11. 小恶魔的刀。他复诵。

    The Imp 's dagger , he repeated .

  12. 地狱男爵的宠物会是一个小恶魔,真是不足为奇。

    It 's no surprise that a pet of Hellboy would be a little devil .

  13. 伸手便可掌控天下.与兰尼斯特家和好,释放小恶魔.再把你的女儿嫁给乔佛里.

    Make peace with the Lannisters . Release the Imp. Wed your daughter to Joffrey .

  14. 我全心全意爱戴他,夫人.但这小恶魔只有我一半高.

    With all my heart , My Lady . But the Imp is half my size .

  15. 我也愁让你爸来收拾你们这些个小恶魔。

    And believe me I worry about leaving your father here to cope with all you monsters 。

  16. 站在盘子之间,每个人都盯着我看,我可以向他们证明自己是个多聪明的小恶魔。

    Standing there amongst the trenchers with every eye upon me , proving what a clever little imp I was .

  17. 叫你夫人放那个小恶魔回君临.那么詹姆兰尼斯特怎么处理?

    Tell your wife to return that little shit of an Imp to King 's Landing . What about Jaime Lannister ?

  18. 只可惜小恶魔不在,蓝礼公爵道,不然我还可以多赢一倍。

    A pity the Imp is not here with us , Lord Renly said . I should have won twice as much .

  19. “兰尼斯特夫人,你是说?你这么渴望看到小恶魔蹲在你父亲的座位上?”

    " Lady lannister , you mean ? Are you so eager to see the imp perched on your father 's seat ?"

  20. 他诊断这名孩子除了长牙的身体不适外,还受到小恶魔侵扰。

    The child is being tormented by a minor demon , he diagnoses , in addition to the physical discomforts of teething .

  21. 谁是最愤怒的宝宝?国外一个亲子网站博主最近举办了有趣的2012年愤怒小恶魔大赛。

    A parenting blogger has named the Most Evil Baby of 2012 after she created a hilarious picture competition called the Evil Baby Glare-Off .

  22. 他们中一个很安静,另一个有点小恶魔(萌啊,萌死我了),这个组合天衣无缝啊。

    One of them is very quiet and the other one is a little bit of a devil , and that makes a great combination .

  23. 剧情简介:“龙妈迎来意外访客,雪诺面临一场反抗,而小恶魔(彼特?丁拉基饰)计划着征服维斯特洛大陆。”

    Description : " Daenerys receives an unexpected visitor . Jon faces a revolt . Tyrion ( Peter Dinklage ) plans the conquest of Westeros . "

  24. 他身旁的高大男孩一定是王储,而他们身后的那个畸形矮子则毫无疑问是「小恶魔」提利昂·兰尼斯特了。

    The tall boy beside him could only be the crown prince , and that stunted little man behind them was surely the Imp , Tyrion Lannister .

  25. 我要找一位代理骑士.我和你一样有此权利.夫人,我很乐意为您与小恶魔的代理骑士决斗.

    Now I demand a champion . I have that right , same as you . My Lady , I will gladly fight the Imp 's champion for you .

  26. 你夫人让小恶魔从她的指缝里钻了出去.倘若真是这样,那快快割了我的喉咙,做个了结.

    And lost to her . Your wife has let the Imp slip through her fingers . If that 's true , then slit my throat and be done with it .

  27. 一段很长的沉默后,彼得直言不讳地说出了五个字——“你个小恶魔!”“你看!”她说。

    There was a long silence . Then Peter spoke three words , straight from the heart . " You little devil ! " " You see ! " she said .

  28. 你的任务就是保护小主人不背恶魔伤害!

    Your task is to protect the small owners do not harm the devil back !

  29. 小指头问,小恶魔当然不会单独行动。

    Littlefinger asked . The Imp would never have acted alone .