
  • 网络Small Business Loan;small business lending;daikuan.roadoor.com
  1. 政府需要设立专门机构来为小企业贷款作担保。

    The government will have to create a special agency to underwrite small business loans

  2. 但是还有其他项目也被搁置一旁,包括小企业贷款等问题。

    But there are other projects are in limbo , too , including small business loans on hold .

  3. 小企业贷款融资难是一个世界性的问题。

    The financing dilemma of small enterprises is a worldwide problem .

  4. 小企业贷款未解之题国际银团贷款争议与国际商事仲裁的勃兴

    The Problems of SMEs Loans International Syndicated Loans and International Business Arbitration

  5. 国际和国内的许多金融机构对小企业贷款都进行了深入的研究。

    Many international and domestic financial institutions had deeply researched micro-loan business .

  6. 探索可持续发展的小企业贷款模式

    Exploring the Sustainable Development Model of the Loan for the Small Enterprise

  7. 《巴塞尔协议Ⅱ》、内部信用评级及小企业贷款

    Basel ⅱ, Internal Credit Rating and Lending to Small Enterprises

  8. 关于以小企业贷款产品的价值基础定价的思考

    Research on Loan Pricing According to the Basic Value of Small Enterprise Loans

  9. 小企业贷款的浙江经验

    Experience of Small Enterprise Loan in Zhejiang Province

  10. 上海市小企业贷款担保市场发展研究

    The Guaranteed-Loan Market for Small Companies in Shanghai

  11. 转变观念创新机制探索可持续的小企业贷款模式

    Change Conception , Innovate Mechanism Probing into A Sustainable Model of Loan Service for Small-sized Enterprises

  12. 小企业贷款中的几个问题

    Some Thoughts about Small Enterprise Loans

  13. 他们很快从亲友集资,为7个小企业贷款。

    They quickly raised money from friends and family to make loans to seven small businesses .

  14. 小企业贷款未解之题

    The Problems of SMEs Loans

  15. 城市信用社开展小企业贷款业务可参照本指导意见。

    The urban credit cooperatives may carry out small enterprise loan business according to these Guiding Opinions .

  16. 小企业贷款难问题已经成为制约我国小企业发展的主要瓶颈。

    Difficulty of getting loans for small business has become the main bottleneck for the development of small business .

  17. 要达到这一目的,零售银行不妨开始放宽在按揭和小企业贷款方面的严格限制。

    Retail banks can achieve that by starting to loosen their tight restrictions on mortgages and small business loans .

  18. 这些资金应该通过由欧盟官员监管的独立机构支出,直接向小企业贷款。

    The money should be spent via an independent agency supervised by EU officials that lends directly to small businesses .

  19. 她的银行打来电话说,36岁的本地企业主克里斯汀森女士通过了审批,可以得到一笔小企业贷款。

    Her bank called to say that Ms. Christiansen , a 36-year-old entrepreneur here , had been approved for a small-business loan .

  20. 虽然对一些人来说申请创业贷款是一种选择,但是小企业贷款经常是有指定用途的。

    Getting a small business loan is an option for some , but small business loans are often earmarked for specific uses .

  21. 在当前经济形势下,银行业竞争非常严峻,银行愿意大力发展小企业贷款业务。

    In the current situation , the competition among banks are fierce . Banks are willing to provide loans for small businesses .

  22. 资本外逃导致储蓄锐减,令按揭再融资和小企业贷款供应紧张,引发全面的信贷危机。

    The flight of capital is sapping the deposits needed to refinance mortgages and small business loans , causing a full-blown credit crisis .

  23. 尤其是当前,解决小企业贷款难成为世界各国金融界普遍关注的问题。

    In particular , solve the problems of small business loans as the financial world issues of common concern in the current moment .

  24. 小企业贷款难是我国的一个长期问题,也是世界上各个国家普遍存在的问题。

    Difficulty in getting loans for small businesses has long been a problem in China . It also exists in many countries in the world .

  25. 2009年各银行业金融机构小企业贷款增幅应不低于全部贷款增幅。

    The growth rate of loans granted by all banking financial institutions to small enterprises in2009 should not be lower than that of all loans .

  26. 据美国“每日新闻网”12月14日报道,这项有关提高小企业贷款额度的法案是由美国总统布什在上周正式签署的。

    President George W.Bush last week reauthorized the U.S.Small Business Administration's504 loan program for the next two years and increased the maximum size of loans .

  27. 本文共分为五章:第一章论证了选题的目的和意义,对小企业贷款方面理论研究和各国在小企业融资方面政策和措施进行了回顾,介绍了本文研究的思路、方法以及创新。

    Chapter 1 elaborates the background and significance of the topic , reviews the theory of small business loan , introduces research ideas , methods and innovation .

  28. 讨价还价仍在继续:欧盟各国议员如今正推动立法,降低小企业贷款的风险权重,并规定银行家奖金不得超过固定工资。

    Haggling is not over : European Parliamentarians are now pushing for lower risk-weights on small business loans and rules that banker bonuses do not exceed fixed salaries .

  29. 按照新的金融企业呆坏账核销管理办法,对小企业贷款损失依法及时核销。

    According to the new management method of canceling bad debts after verification for financing enterprises , cancel the loan losses of small-sized enterprises in time in accordance with the law .

  30. 为了减少信息不对称导致的道德风险,银行在受理小企业贷款的时候会要求企业提供抵押物作为物品保证。

    In order to reduce information asymmetry caused by moral hazard , banks require the business to provide something given as security for a loan when receiving small business loans application .