
  • 网络cygnet;Little Swan;littleswan;Cygnus Columbianus
  1. 而家用电器领跑者则是廉价的国货,比如TCL、长虹和小天鹅。

    The leading household appliance brands , by contrast , are cheaply priced domestic makers such as TCL , Changhong and Little Swan .

  2. 广告心理效果评价实证研究&小天鹅洗衣机电视广告大学生受众心理分析

    Effectiveness of " Little Swan " washer TV commercial : an empirical study

  3. 小天鹅叫做cygnet。

    A young swan is called a cygnet .

  4. 在墨尔本居住了多年的史蒂夫·昆佩尔(SteveCumper)六年前来到小天鹅村(Cygnet)买下了一家简陋餐厅,这家餐厅开在一座建于1912年的老房子中。

    Melbourne veteran Steve Cumper arrived in the hamlet of Cygnet six years ago and snapped up a shabby cafe in a historic 1912 building .

  5. Givens害怕如果走近小天鹅,母天鹅会啄他。于是,他先给当地动物保护协会打了电话。

    Worried that the mother goose would attack him if he got close to the baby , Givens called the local SPCA chapter .

  6. 然后采用SWOT分析法和EFE、IFE矩阵分析法对小天鹅酒店管理公司面对的机会和威胁,自身的优势和劣势进行量化分析,确定了小天鹅酒店管理公司未来的发展方向。

    Then , we will make use of the SWOT 、 EFE 、 IFE analytic methods to analyze the opportunities 、 threats 、 strengths and weaknesses , determinate the developing direction of The Cygnet Hotel Management Company .

  7. 1907年,塞尔弗里奇与亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔一起工作,试飞了巨型的四面体风筝小天鹅1号(CygnetI)。他还驾驶过一架名为红翅的实验飞机,成为了为军队设计螺旋桨的公认的专家。

    In 1907 , Selfridge worked with Alexander Graham Bell and test-piloted a huge , tetrahedral kite called the Cygnet I. He also flew an experimental airplane , Red Wing , and became an acknowledged expert in propeller design for the Army .

  8. 我感觉就像是夹在柴可夫斯基的小天鹅和利比扎马中间。

    I felt like a cross between a Tchaikovsky cygnet anda lipizzaner .

  9. 重庆小天鹅酒店管理公司发展战略研究

    Developing Strategic Research of the Cygnet Hotel Management Company

  10. 亲爱的小天鹅,我知道我外形不佳。

    My dearest Miss Cygnet , I see I don 't look good .

  11. 哦,那你就是一只小天鹅。

    Then you are a small swan .

  12. 小天鹅是浙江省一家合资企业的最新产品。

    Little Swan is the latest product of a joint ? venture factory in Zhejiang province .

  13. 然而他并不停下脚步来喂那赶着成群小天鹅朝灯心草丛中走去的母天鹅。

    But he does not stay to feed the pen chivying her game of cygnets towards the rushes .

  14. 在一个晴朗天气,天鹅全家出游,毛茸茸的小天鹅就选择了这种干爽且懒惰的出游方式。

    These fluffy cygnets opted for the drier – and lazier – option during a family outing in the sun .

  15. 我们的当务之急是与现有的阿斯顿马丁的顾客,我们将开始使小天鹅在欧洲推出第一。

    Our immediate priority is with existing Aston Martin customers and we will start to make the Cygnet available in Europe first .

  16. 小天鹅酒店管理公司隶属于小天鹅投资控股(集团)有限公司,也是重庆成立较早的酒店管理公司。

    The Cygnet Hotel Management Company is subordinated to The Cygnet Group Company , is the earlier established hotel management company in chongqing .

  17. 这部分主要对三个不同行业的中国企业&东方、长虹和小天鹅的现状进行梳理和分析,提出本文要研究的问题;

    This part mainly combs and analyzes the status quo of three different enterprises , bringing out the problem that the thesis researches ;

  18. 24岁的Charron是位经验丰富的警官,她说救助小天鹅将会成为她职业生涯中最难忘的事。

    Charron , a 24-year veteran of the police force , said this would probably go down as the most memorable incident of her career !

  19. 此项研究是和小天鹅公司合作的项目,为公司新产品的研发提供了一定的理论支持。

    We had a cooperation with little Swan company for this research project , we provided a certain amount of theoretical support for new product .

  20. 佳永小天鹅餐饮公司致力成为中国的第一品牌,把特色饮食带给千家万户。

    Joy Cygnet Restaurant Management Company makes every effort to become China 's number one brand for specialty food and its hard work has been gratifying .

  21. 对于一些动物来说,同性恋行为也包括平常的群体劳作,比如,两只雄性黑天鹅一起抚养小天鹅也是非常平常的事情。

    For some animals , homosexuality is normal flock behaviour . For example , it is common for male black swans to raise cygnets as a couple 。

  22. 一种白色北美洲天鹅(哨声天鹅或小天鹅天鹅属)有柔和、充满乐感的象喇叭似的嗓音,黑喙,底部带有一黄点。

    A white North American swan ( Olor columbianus ) having a soft , musical trumpeting voice and a black beak with a yellow spot at the base .

  23. 我看过无数次月亮:满月如金币,寒月洁白似冰屑,新月宛如小天鹅的羽毛。

    I have seen a thousand moons : harvest moons like gold coins , winter moons as white as ice chips , new moons like baby swans ' feathers .

  24. 首先,根据战略管理理论对小天鹅酒店管理公司进行外部环境分析,明确了其目前发展所面临的形势和各种影响因素;

    Firstly , according to the theory of Strategy Management , we can analyze the external circumstances of The Cygnet Hotel Management Company , clarify all kinds of effecting factors .

  25. 并从组织结构、人力资源、市场营销和品牌经营等诸多方面推行发展战略的保证措施,确保小天鹅酒店管理公司发展战略的顺利实施。

    And , we will implement the secure measure from the organic construction 、 human resource 、 marketing and brand , assure the operation of the developing strategy of The Cygnet Hotel Management Company .

  26. 并将其加以整合,制定出小天鹅酒店管理公司的组合发展战略,即经济型酒店集团的组合战略,以充分利用市场机会,力争在未来的市场竞争中取得优势。

    At the same time , we will integrate the two strategy , formulate the composed strategy of economic hotel group of The Cygnet Hotel Management Company , achieve the advantages in the competition .

  27. 我创造了一些招式,如2003年的小天鹅转、04年的单轮转、及06年的摆摆,看到人家做我所创造的招式,我都觉得非常开心!

    I invented some tricks , like the ( Korean ) screw in2003 , the Seven in2004 , and the Special One Foot in2006 . I 'm so happy when I see people doing my tricks !

  28. 海尔在电冰箱、电冰柜、洗衣机、空调器等四大家电行业上的成功以及小天鹅紧紧围绕核心技术发展的以洗为主,同心多元战略都为我们树立了多元化经营的成功典范。

    Haier 's big successes in the refrigerator , washing machine , air conditioner fields and Little Swan 's concentric diversification strategy that focuses on washing technology have set up successful models for us in diversification operations .

  29. 景区的工作人员还表示,未孵化的天鹅蛋既不能食用也不能孵化小天鹅,即便摆在家中观赏也不行,因为天气炎热时可能会爆裂。

    Staff at the scenic spot also said the unfertilized eggs are not edible and cannot be incubated again . They can 't be used for decorative purposes either , as they may burst in hot temperatures .

  30. 基于此,为之后的案例分析奠定理论基础。其次,文章以美的电器并购小天鹅为案例,与实践结合去研究此次并购对并购实施方美的电器绩效的影响。

    The case for analysis of the theoretical is based on this . Secondly , the article takes the Little Swan , and Midea Electric as a case study , combined with the practice to study the impact of the performance for Midea .