
  1. 这产生了一批潮人专属的小众品牌、商店以及音乐。

    This has led to specialized brands , stores and music for the hipster niche .

  2. 他们警告称,如果做不到这些,黑莓可能会成为规模为王的手机市场上的一个小众品牌或者被收购的目标。

    Failing that , they warned BlackBerry risked becoming a niche player in a market driven by scale , or a takeover target .

  3. 奇怪的是,大众在美国的日子一直不好过,销量甚至远落后于斯巴鲁这样的小众品牌。

    Oddly , the VW 's brand is struggling most in the U.S. , where its sales lag behind much smaller brands such as Subaru .

  4. 更年轻的消费者对他们在线上找到的小众品牌日益感兴趣——这些品牌可能甚至都不需要如旗舰店等任何线下实体来拉动销售。

    Younger consumers are increasingly interested in niche brands they discover online - and which may not even need any physical presence such as a flagship store to drive sales .

  5. 她对桑姆?布郎尼、伊莎贝尔?托莱多、奥罗武等平民设计师和小众品牌的偏爱更是使美国时尚界为之心醉神迷。

    She has made the fashion industry swoon with her willingness to embrace the work of some of its most eccentric players , such as Thom Browne , and its lesser-known talents , such as Isabel Toledo and Duro Olowu .

  6. 这类新涌现的奢侈品牌注重服装的合身及耐用性,时装系列由最基本的主打款式组成,针织衣物采用中性色,这些逐渐成为炙手可热的抢手货——体现女性含蓄与简洁的小众品牌则最受青睐。

    With a focus on fit and durability , and collections built on basic staples and knitwear in neutral hues , this new breed of contemporary luxury labels is filling the most stylish wardrobes - and its discreet brand of understated and simple femininity is valued above all .

  7. 不过,就连规模最小的那些车企也在繁荣的美国市场蓬勃发展,尤其是由中国人拥有、瑞典人运营的小众豪华品牌沃尔沃(Volvo)。

    But even the smallest auto companies are flourishing in the booming American market , none more so than the tiny Chinese-owned , Swedish-run luxury brand Volvo .

  8. 大多数零售业分析师认同上述看法:中国消费者越来越青睐小众顶级品牌,比如爱马仕,对印有醒目logo的大众奢侈品牌热度下降,比如爱马仕的竞争对手路威酩轩集团和古驰(Gucci)。

    Most retail analysts agree : Chinese consumers are growing keener on niche top-level brands such as Herm è s and less fond of logo-laden , mass luxury rivals such as LVMH and Gucci .

  9. 但在日本以外地区,资生堂是一个相对小众的品牌,更受那些富裕讲究的消费者的喜爱。

    But outside Japan , Shiseido is a relatively niche brand , favoured more by well-heeled consumers .

  10. 2009年,随着“HuLu”模式在视频行业的兴起以及行业面对小众文化确立企业品牌意识等因素的共同促进,视频分享网站开始走上了行业的新发展之路。

    With the " HuLu " mode rise in the video sharing websites industry in 2009 and the minority culture has established the brand awareness , video sharing websites of the industry embarked on a new development road .