
  1. 详细地介绍中、美、日三国寿险代理人制度。

    Detail , beauty , Japan in insurance agent system .

  2. 虽然对于我国寿险代理人制度的研究很多,也不是个新鲜的问题。

    Events Although China life insurance agent system for the study , is not much fresh questions .

  3. 但是,寿险代理人管理在发展过程中也逐步暴露出一些问题。

    However , the life insurance agent to manage the process of development is gradually revealed some problems .

  4. 对保险代理的资格进行等级的划分,分为初级,中级和高级寿险代理人资格制度。

    Insurance agent qualification for the division of grades , divided into elementary , intermediate and advanced insurance agent qualification system .

  5. 通过与美、日在营销制度上的、培训制度上、薪资待遇上进行比较,发现我国寿险代理人制度的特点。

    Through and beauty , day in the marketing system , training system , salary treatment in comparison , found life insurance agent the characteristic of the system .

  6. 具体从立法体系、监管制度、合同签订、薪酬待遇与员工保障体制、培训激励体制、道德约束力、市场诚信来研究我国寿险代理人制度的缺失。

    Concrete from the legislation system , supervision system , contract signing , remuneration and employee security system ﹑ training incentive system , moral sanction , market credit to study China life insurance agent system flaw .

  7. 本选题对我国寿险代理人制度缺失的考察,是想从社会的、伦理的、制度的,确切说是制度伦理的角度来把握我国这种代理人制度的特殊现状。

    This paper to our country life insurance agent system lack inspection , is want from social , historical , ethics , institutional , exact say the perspective of institutional ethics in the special situation this agent system .

  8. 最后提出完善与发展我国寿险代理人制度对促进我国的寿险市场的良好运行,与国际寿险市场接轨的积极现实意义。

    Finally , put forward the active realistic meanings of the perfection and development of the life insurance agent system in our country for the well being of our life insurance market and compatibility with the international life insurance market .

  9. 但随着我国保险产品的不断创新与复杂化,客户对保险产品的逐渐认知以及需求的多样化,寿险代理人通过说服购买型推销方式进行产品销售,变得越来越困难。

    However , with continuous innovation and complexity of our insurance products , as well as customers ' increasingly knowledge of insurance products and diversified needs , it turned to be more and more difficult for life insurance agents to sell through using this model .

  10. 由于寿险代理人制度的不健全,管理监督体系的不完善,保险业迅猛发展的同时,各种伦理道德的缺失也应运而生,与代理人有关的保险投诉,诉讼争执事件与日俱增。

    Because insurance agent system is not perfect , management and supervision system is not perfect , the rapid development of insurance industry , meanwhile , various ethic morality flaw also arises at the historic moment , the insurance complaints about with attorneys dispute , litigation growing .

  11. 同时运用博弈论知识构建模型,进一步剖析寿险个人代理人的失信行为。

    Furthermore , we have constructed a game model to analyze LI individual agents ' immoral behaviors .

  12. 详细介绍我国寿险个人代理人制度的缺失。

    China life insurance are introduced in detail , the lack of personal agent system , institutional ethics on , down to the lack of corporate ethics .

  13. 因此,对于寿险个人代理人营销体制的完善,应当以市场为导向,建立持续的长期的营销激励机制,并强化对于市场准入和销售行为的监管。

    Therefore , individual life insurance agent for the improvement of marketing system should be market-oriented and establish sustained long-term marketing incentives , and strengthen market access and sales practices for the regulation .

  14. 为了避免专业代理人展业中的道德风险,设计了非寿险公司与专业代理人之间的最优委托代理合同。

    In the end , an optimal principal agent contract between non-life insurance companies and professional agent is designed to avoid professional agent 's moral hazard in marketing .

  15. 保险代理人管理系统是寿险公司对个人代理人进行管理的基本系统,该系统的开发和使用情况直接关系到一家寿险公司代理人管理的水平。

    Insurance agent management system is used by life insurance companies to manage agents . The development and use of the system is linked with the management level of agents .

  16. 我国目前的寿险营销主要采用代理人为主的营销体制,普遍存在着人员素质不高、代理人流失严重、不诚信问题突出、奖惩机制不健全以及回佣现象严重等问题。

    The agent distribution system of life insurance in China is dominated by the exclusive agent system , which is plagued by problems such as low quality of agents , high turn-over rate , lack of credibility , inadequate rewarding mechanism , and commission rebate and so on .

  17. 第四章选取部分寿险业发达国家和地区的寿险代理人管理制度进行分析,总结可供江西借鉴参考的经验。

    Select the part of the life insurance industry in Chapter IV of the developed countries and regions , life insurance agent to manage the system analysis , summarized in Jiangxi for reference of experience .

  18. 但是,随着寿险事业的进一步发展,寿险个人代理人的一些不利于市场发展的行为也暴露出来,其中寿险个人代理人的失信行为尤显突出。

    However , as the market further develops , some individual agents ' behaviors have been discovered to be harmful to the developments of life insurance market , among which moral crisis is especially serious and has drawn great attention in the society .

  19. 续期保费的收取:对于续期保费您可以委托银行自动转帐,或者亲自到寿险公司去交,寿险公司也可以派寿险代理人上门收取。

    The collection of insurance cost of1 , add period : to add period you can entrust insurance cost the bank transfers accounts automatically , perhaps be handed in personally to birthday risk company , birthday risk company also can send birthday danger agent to come collection .

  20. 个人寿险代理制度是许多国家采用的主要寿险销售方式,而在我国,个人寿险代理人并不是一个独立的个体,他们总是组成一个个营业部或业务组来开展营销活动。

    Personal Life Insurance Agent System is widely used in many countries , but in our country , they always promote the sales by a department or a section rather than by individuals .

  21. 个人寿险营销作为人寿保险销售最有效的方法,在全世界已经有超过100年的历史,寿险代理人最高的荣誉组织MDRT(MillionDollarRoundTable)早在1927年就已经成立了。

    In the world it has more than 100 years of history . MDRT ( Million Dollar Round Table ) was established in 1927 for the supreme honor of life insurance agent .