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  1. 蛋白激酶C激动剂及抑制剂对雪旺氏细胞增殖及表达NGF的影响

    Effect of activator and inhibitor of protein kinase C in regulation of Schwann cell proliferation and expression of NGF

  2. 结果表明,由压力脉动引发的空气对流对雪被CO2通量的瞬间影响十分显著,但是当时间达到小时的水平时,空气对流的影响便几乎可以忽略。

    Result showed that the transient impact of fluctuations induced by atmospheric pressure variation on CO2 fluxes is significant , but the impact can be nearly eliminated at a long-time scale ( over an hour ) .

  3. 通过对雪的光谱特征分析,提出利用归一化积雪被指数NDSI结合归一化植被指数进行积雪信息提取的方法。

    By analyzing the spectrum characteristic of snow , a method of extracting snow information was suggested based on index of NDSI and NDVI .

  4. 小麦成株期对雪腐格氏霉抗性研究

    Studies on Adult Plant Resistance of Wheat Plant to Gerlach Nivalis

  5. 生长调节剂对雪柳嫩枝扦插效果的影响

    Growth Regulator Effects on Adventitious Root Formation in Stem Cutting of Fontanesia fortunei Carr

  6. 的研究巨噬细胞对雪旺氏细胞活性及增殖的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of macrophages on Schwann cell activity and proliferation .

  7. 方法对雪里见开展资源调查,采集样本进行基源鉴定和理化实验鉴定。

    Methods Resource investigation was carried out , samples were collected to microscopic identification and physicochemical identification .

  8. 也许是因为这个原因,我一直对雪情有独钟。

    Perhaps it is because of this reason , I have a soft spot on the snow .

  9. 天生对雪有某种震动,大约因为生于冬天?

    Born on the snow there is some vibration , some because it was born in the winter ?

  10. 在大跨度、屋面造型复杂的轻质建筑物中,屋面对雪荷载的敏感度大大增强。

    In large span , light building complex roof shape , roof snow load sensitivity is greatly enhanced .

  11. 从分析雪阻产生的原因入手,通过对雪阻形成因素的分析,提出了具体的防治措施。

    Analysis is made on the factors that result in the snow cover on the road , and provided the preventions .

  12. 而冬天的雪会覆盖整个地面,实际上还会对雪下面的土壤产生隔绝效果。

    And the snow , which blankets the ground in the winter , actually has an insulating effect on the soil beneath it .

  13. 对雪有着深深的眷恋,缘于我出生在大雪纷飞的夜,也缘于名字中的雪字。

    The reason that I am deep attached to snow is I was born in a heavy snow night and my name has one word : xue .

  14. 结果表明,信号尽管复杂,但对雪面(和交界面)粗糙度和类似累积速率的永久积雪参数有意义。

    The results show that the signal , though complex , is sensitive to the roughness of the snow surface ( and internal interfaces ) and to firn parameters like accumulation rates .

  15. 人们说爱斯基摩人对雪的表达有一百种不同的单词,不幸的是英语却没有如此的创造性,尽管它也有大量的机会产生多义性。

    The Eskimos , they say , have a hundred different words for snow . Unfortunately , the English language isn 't quite as innovative , though it has vast opportunities to differentiate meaning .

  16. 初夏、夏末、初秋、晚秋的晴天都有不同的名称,有些人说,这表明日本人对季节的敏感犹如因纽特人对雪的敏感。

    A sunny day in early summer , late summer , early autumn and late autumn all have different names , proof say some that the Japanese are as sensitive to seasons as the Inuit are to snow .

  17. 因此风即气流在建筑物屋面的流场分布就直接影响到雪颗粒的沉积位置,而气流的速度场及对屋面的风压变化也会对雪颗粒的沉积量产生影响。

    Therefore the wind that directly affect the air flow field distribution in the roof of the building to the deposition of the snow particles position , air flow velocity field and roof wind pressure changes also on the amount of snow particles deposited impact .