- a piercing cold wind -- bitterly cold;The wind is piercingly cold

The weather was at its worst ; bitterly cold , with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility .
He recalled a cold windy evening twenty-four years earlier .
It has been so bitterly cold here in Pennsylvania .
I 'm going where the cold wind blows .
Harry shivered in the cold night air .
A chilly winter with heavy snow ;
On the far side was a winterscape of deep snow , mountain vistas and blowing wind .
At the time , the north was very inhospitable , being cold and damp and covered in forests .
Reapply during the day - especially before going into the blustery outdoors - and before you go to bed at night .
On a bitter , blustery Wednesday morning , the mall still manages to draw big crowds but the brands are not familiar foreign names .
High on the Antarctic plateau , over 10000 feet , it 's very windy , very cold , very dry , we were exhausted .
He and a young assistant named Schaefer went to a mountain in the state of New Hampshire , where snowstorms are common and cold winds blow .
The largest ice-free region in Antarctica is a windswept , frozen desert whose rugged terrain looks as if it belongs on Pluto rather than our planet .
He will sleep on the cold ground where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely , if only he can be near his master 's side .
He will sleep on the cold ground , where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely , if only he may be near his master 's side .
We stood on the windy street corner , not speaking a word , just like two travelers , who have lost their way , sometimes stand and admit their perplexity in silence .
This winter , he arrived three minutes late to a workout when the wind chill was minus 10 because the ski goggles he wore had fogged up and he missed a turn .
The leaves of these trees are green at this season but if the wind is keen and the leaves freeze , they cease to be green and seem to lose their sheen .
Dry , chapped lips can be unsightly and even painful . During the harsh winter months , lips are especially likely to dry out . Wear moisturizing lip balm daily , even when your lips do not feel chapped .
This time it was harder.The temperature was sometimes - 40 ° Centigrade , and there were strong winds with a lot of snow.The dogs and men were very tired , and the tents and boots were bad.At the second depot , they put out sixty flags , to help them find it again .
Is a winter , wind chills still river my mother and I figure always be seen
On clear nights , no matter how cold the wind is and how rough the sea is , he spent hours after dinner alone on the flying bridge .