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hán shǔ
  • Cold and heat;heat and cold;winter and summer—a year
寒暑 [hán shǔ]
  • (1) [cold and warm]∶气候的冷和热

  • 寒暑表

  • (2) [winter and summer]∶冬天和夏天,常用来表示整个一年

  • 经历了几十个寒暑

  1. 寒暑表昨夜降至零度。

    The thermometer fell to zero last night .

  2. 寒暑表指出华氏80度。

    The thermometer reads 80 degrees Fahrenheit .

  3. 他苦读了三十寒暑,后终成大业。

    He studied hard for30 years and succeeded at last .

  4. 教师之所以迎合很多人的职业趋向是因为有寒暑假期。

    Teaching as a career appeals to many people because of the holidays .

  5. 天者,阴阳、寒暑、时制也;

    Heaven signifies night and day , cold and heat , times and seasons .

  6. 人说它是一个好的寒暑计。

    People called it a good thermometer .

  7. 天地革而四时成。《周易。革》天地有阴阳寒暑的变动,从而形成四季。

    The universe has altered with yin-yang and cold-heat principles , thereby forming the four seasons .

  8. 爱情几乎是无孔不入,从不休假,寒暑无间。

    Love is nearly seizes every opportunity , ever is not on leave , all year round .

  9. 房地产是国民经济的重要组成部分,是经济的寒暑表,对我国国民经济的健康运行有着直接的作用。

    Real estate industry is an important part of national economic and affects directly the development of economic .

  10. 女子高等教育&文化变迁的寒暑表中国女子高等教育的过去、现在和未来

    Women Higher Education : The Thermometer of Cultural Transfer & Yesterday , Today and Tomorrow of Women Higher Education in China

  11. 回首时光年轮上又一度春秋寒暑,我们不禁感慨万千。

    Looking back to the past year , we are full of all sorts of feelings well up in our minds .

  12. 寒暑表降到冰点下十八度的时候,我们也是在廊下睡觉。

    The thermometer had dropped to 18 degrees below zero , but still chose to sleep in the porch as usual .

  13. 自幼酷热爱书画艺术,用功极勤,数十年如一日,早起晚睡寒暑不缀。

    Since heat love calligraphy and painting , very diligent , hardworking , early decades as one day late continual not compose .

  14. 在那时候,我巧遇了一位很仰慕京剧大师梅兰芳的年轻护士;至今,我俩夫妻已共度了超过六十个寒暑。

    My wife to whom I have been married now for more than sixty years was a great admirer of the late Mei Lang Fang .

  15. 尽地所有的日子,播种收割、寒暑冬夏、白昼黑夜、就永不停息了。

    As long as the earth endures , seedtime and harvest , cold and heat , summer and winter , day and night will never cease .

  16. 幼儿园实行寄宿、日托、周末托、节假日托、寒暑假托为家长提供全方位服务。

    Limai Kindergarten provides parents with all kinds of nursery services such as boarding , day care , weekend care , festival care and summer / winter vacation care .

  17. 时光苒然,当年先生全家照上的那个尚未出襁褓的孩子,也已经度过了八十个寒暑岁月。

    Eight-one years have elapsed since the publication of this collection in1928 , and Zhou Haiying , the infant in the family photo , has also grown into his eighties .

  18. 他们的职业一向以工作清闲、收入稳定、时间自由支配、一年有寒暑两个长假等特点得到了人们的羡慕。

    Because of working free , income stability , the freedom to dispose of time and two long vacations , their career has been one of the characteristics of envy .

  19. 住宿费含钥匙保证金50元暨冷气保证金500元,寒暑假住宿则住宿费用另计。

    Accommodation fees contain a NT $ 50 dormitory key deposit as well as a NT $ 500 air conditioning deposit , exclusive of those required for winter and summer vacations .

  20. 在木材而言,曾经是蕴育于岁月中的木头,举凡纹理、节籀、伤痕、都记录著一个自然生命经历风霜雨露、寒暑春秋、环境水土的结果。

    Wood is a supple material because it displays its scars from the past through textures , knots and scratches , standing as a testament against its environment , water and soil .

  21. 大学生是时代的寒暑表,宗教升温自然在他们中间得到了反映,并冲击着他们的思想,影响着他们的世界观、人生观和价值观。

    College students are times thermometer ," religion rising " has naturally been reflected among them , and it impacts their thinking , affects their outlook on world , on life and on values .

  22. 我有了生命以来,在这个世界上虽然仅仅经过了二十几个寒暑,但是这短短的时期也并不是白白虚度的。

    Ever since I was born , I have passed no more than twenty odd summers in this world , but this short period of time has not been spent for nothing at all .

  23. 赋闲在家,每日收拾屋子,看孩子写作业,日子如白马过隙一样溜掉,如同未出山的孙猴子一样寒暑不知年,所以先讲一段外星话。

    I 'm free at home , clean house and take care of my son , time flee away so quickly just like Money King in the old mountain , so speak ET language first .

  24. 可是目前的气温还不大低,如果林肯岛上有一只摄氏寒暑表量一下的话,平均温度一定还保持在零上10度到12度左右。

    However , the temperature was not as yet much lower , and a centigrade thermometer , transported to Lincoln Island , would still have marked an average of ten to twelve degrees above zero .

  25. 十二个寒暑,在大自然宇宙亿万光年中,只是一瞬间的时光,但对「崇明」的诞生与成长,意义却无比深远。

    Compared to the human history , twelve years is no more than a second ; however , it 's very significant to the birth and growth of our school , Chrong Ming Junior High School .

  26. 这就是寒暑两季温度悬殊的原因。如果我们觉得林肯岛的冬天特别冷,反过来我们也不要忘记,这里的夏天也特别热。

    This explains then the excess of temperature in the two seasons , for , if we find the winters very cold in Lincoln Island , we must not forget that the summers here , on the contrary , are very hot .

  27. 对于牧人来说,需要掌握牧草枯荣的规律和天气寒暑的变化情况,以便在适当的时候配种、接羔,使幼畜能安全地度过酷冬。

    For the shepherd , they needed to grasp the regularity of grass flourishing and withering and the changes of weather in order to mate animals at the appropriate time , deliver lambs and help young animals safely pass through the cool winter .

  28. 除了学费和食宿费,我还需要多少生活费?住宿费含钥匙保证金50元暨冷气保证金500元,寒暑假住宿则住宿费用另计。

    How much shall I still have as living expenses besides accommodation and tuition ? Accommodation fees contain a NT $ 50 dormitory key deposit as well as a NT $ 500 air conditioning deposit , exclusive of those required for winter and summer vacations .

  29. 本文采用南京1905-1998年平均气温资料对各月平均气温异常指数和寒暑差度参数及其10年滑动平均的变化特征作了详细分析和讨论,同时对降水量异常进行了分析。

    Based on the data of annual average temperature from 1905 to 1998 of Nanjing , the article makes a detailed analysis on average monthly abnormal parameters , the difference parameters in cool and hot summers , the change features of moving average within ten years and the abnormal rainfalls .