- 网络fertile mantle

Low REE group and high REE group lamprophyres are 10 % and 4 % partial melting of the metasomatic enriched mantle .
The subduction of Pacific Plate during Eocene induced the S-N extension event and basalts with EM ⅰ and EM ⅱ enriched mantle contamination were formed .
The source area of K-rich magmatic rocks in the Dabie area is closely related to the enriched mantle , while the rocks in the lower Yangtze Valley area are more affined to the lower crust .
The REE distribution of serpentinized peridotite in ultrabasic rocks is the characteristic of U-type , showing that it was the LREE enriched residual mantle experienced in mantle metasomatism .
The carbonatite may be produced by mechanisms as follows : the carbonatite magma is directly formed by very low degree ( F < 1 % ) partial melting of enriched lithospheric mantle , leaving residual minerals characterized by abundant garnet ;
They are featured by high Ti , Al , alkali and low Nb with some rich in Pb . These geochemical features also indicate an enriched mantle signatures but the enrichment degree is weaker .
Radioactive isotope ~ ( 87 ) Sr / ~ ( 86 ) Sr initialized average value is 0.7048 , and ε Nd value is - 5.3 , which show magma come of enriched mantle , and assimilated by the lower melt compositions from the eclogite face mafic rocks .
The formation of the enriched mantle ( EM1 ) is attributed to the strong metasomatism-taking place between subducted Yangtze lower crust and NC ( north of China ) ancient lithosphere .
REE and trace elements indicate that fluid came from enriched mantle .
Pb Isotopic Characteristics of Late Mesozoic Mafic Rocks from the Lower Yangtze Region : Evidence for Enriched Mantle
This ophiolite has higher REE and trace element abundances , suggesting it was derived from the enriched mantle .
The four formations of volcanic rocks of Fanchang Basin had homologous magma , which is from the enrichment mantle .
The source of the studied mafic dikes may be the enrichment mantle that was modified by subduction metasomatic fluids .
The two kinds of rocks were formed as a result of comagmatic crystallization from enrichment mantle in different space .
According to the characteristics of trace elements and isotope , the source of the basalt is similar to the OIB source .
The element-geochemical features reflect that the magma comes from enriched mantle and that hybridism of continental crust occurs in the source area .
The alkalic-ultramafic dikes formed by low degree partial melting ( 3.4 % ) of enriched mantle , consist of single olivine pyroxenolite , the dominating olivine fractionation is evident .
Some differences are found in O and C isotopic composition between phenocryst apatite and typical mantle materials , but the apatite is similar to that from the enriched mantle .
The alkali-rich magma derived from a source in enriched mantle to be formed by mantle metasomatism is characterized by high positive number of silicon isotope composition experienced intense dynamic fractionation .
Calc alkaline lamprophyres , formed in the active continental margin and orogenic belt , related to gold deposits are come from enriched mantle caused by subduction of Plate , terrane or slab .
However , the leucite basanite - phonolite series and shoshonite series were evolved from an old enriched mantle related to ancient subduction , and their geneses are attributed to the fractional crystallization in different degrees .
All those facts above show that source material of the alkaline-rich intrusions in North China platform has close relationship with the enriched mantle and that of the geosynclinal area has close relationship with the depleted-mantle .
The characteristics of elements shows that magma of fine diorite-quartz diorites derived from the enriched mantle or lower crust undergone ocean crust subducting and dehydrating , and was formed and emplaced in the process of crust growth .
When the down_going plate enters the mantle , gold_bearing fluids accompanied by partial_melting products will rise and react on the mantle wedge , resulting in an enriched mantle that is fertile for the generation of gold_rich lamprophyre magma .
Among the complex , monzodiorite and syenite originated from enriched mantle , and has the participation of crustal material ; monzonite magma originated from crust - mantle mixed source , and the granite magma derived from crustal source . 4 .
The fluids derived from dehydration of subducted slab , both continental crust and oceanic crust contributed to enrichment of metasomatic mantle . The lamprophyres was subtly contaminated by crustal substances . Both partial melting and crystallization fractionation play an important role in rock-forming processes .
Data on trace elements , REE and isotope Sr indicate that the magma come from enriched mantle .
Low value of Ni and high content of H 2O suggest that original magma be formed by partial melting of low-temperature part in mantle enriched water .
Element geochemical modelling indicates that both alkaline OIB and E-MORB samples were generated from the enriched mantle source .
The Ba / Nb , La / Nb , Ba / La , Ba / Th and Rb / Nb ratios demonstrate that these volcanic rocks were exclusively derived from the enriched mantle , mainly the EMI type mantle .