
  • 网络fuchs;Christian Fuchs
  1. 但威斯敏斯特大学(UniversityofWestminster)传播和媒体研究院院长克里斯蒂安富克斯(ChristianFuchs)认为,真正吸引公民参与的政治辩论依然很少见。

    But political debates that engage citizens are still rare , argues Professor Christian Fuchs , the director of the University of Westminster 's communication and media research institute .

  2. 富克斯的服务经济研究;

    Fuchs ' research on service economy ;

  3. 中国服务业增长的特点、原因及影响鲍莫尔富克斯假说及其经验研究

    Features , Causes and Effects of Service Industry Growth : Baumol-Fuchs Hypothesis and an Empirical Study

  4. 富克斯博士称,他们之前的研究并未发现饮用咖啡与使用阿司匹林之间有任何关联。

    Dr. Fuchs said their previous research had not shown any association between coffee drinking and aspirin use .

  5. 这正是富克斯及其他主流派用来研究量子力学基本原理的方式。

    That is the approach of Fuchs and others in the mainstream of studying the foundations of quantum mechanics .

  6. 在富克斯案中,斯卡登原来以为他是清白无罪的,到后来他们指出来富克斯在哪些问题上撒了谎,他才改变了看法。

    In the Fuchs case , Skardon was convinced that he was innocent until they pointed out where Fuchs had lied .

  7. 与之相对的是另一件众人皆知的事情:那就是法国伟大的数学家亨利·庞加莱发现被称为富克斯函数的数学新方法的故事。

    As a contrast , we may consider a famous story : the discovery by Henri Poincare , the great French mathematician , of a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions .

  8. 富克斯博士表示,他们研究人员的假设是,令2型糖尿病的风险增加的因素,如肥胖,久坐不动的生活方式和偏高的胰岛素水平等,也促发结肠癌。

    The researchers " hypothesis is that the factors that increase risk for Type 2 diabetes , such as obesity , a sedentary lifestyle and high insulin levels , also drive colon cancer , Dr. Fuchs said .