
  • 网络Fortis;Fortis Bank
  1. 然而,在一次判断失误的海外扩张之后,该行于2007年被竞争对手苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)、桑坦德银行(Santander)和富通银行(Fortis)收购。

    But after an ill-judged overseas expansion it was acquired by rivals RBS , Santander and Fortis in 2007 .

  2. 富通银行(FortisBank)分析师在最近的一份报告中称:我们越来越担心产量增长空间正接近上限,因为适合种植可可豆的地区很少。

    Analysts at Fortis Bank said in a recent report : We are becoming more concerned that the scope for production growth is reaching some upper limits , constrained by the paucity of geographic locations suitable for cocoa production .

  3. 富通银行一定也有点自鸣得意。

    Fortis must be feeling a little smug too .

  4. 愤怒的富通银行股东们在召开一场股东大会之后决定暂停巴黎银行接收富通在比利时的银行业务。

    BNP Paribas 's takeover of Fortis 's Belgian banking operations was thrown into doubt after an angry meeting of Fortis shareholders .

  5. 从那时起,比荷卢经济联盟的富通银行和保险业最初的核心业务与上市公司业务已经错过了。

    Since then , the original core business of Fortis Benelux banking and insurance business with a listed company has been missed .

  6. 会让富通银行感到安心的是,它知道,如果情况变糟,它的董事会也有一个具有同样实力的股东。

    It will reassure Fortis to know that , should things turn ugly , it has a similarly endowed shareholder on board .

  7. 荷兰富通银行解体成数家子公司给每个人敲了个醒钟:一旦问题出现,可能会殃及各国政府。

    The dismemberment of Fortis into its constituent parts reminded everyone that national governments are likely to be on the hook if trouble strikes .

  8. 中国的保险公司热切希望利用其3000亿美元资产,在海外谋得立足之地。平安保险收购富通银行股权得到了监管机构的特许。

    Chinese insurers are eager to make use of their $ 300bn pool of assets to build a presence overseas , and Ping An received special regulatory permission to acquire the Fortis stake .

  9. 平安保险在富通银行交易中获得了额外的配额,不过,就算把这个因素考虑在内,它也把所有海外投资组合超过三分之一的部分仅与一家公司联系在了一起。

    Ping An received an additional quota for the Fortis deal , but even adjusting for this it has over one-third of its total overseas investment portfolio tied up in a single name .

  10. 尽管平安保险强调,此次交易并非战略性入股,但该公司确实表示,两家公司也许会探讨双方部分业务的合作事宜,而且双方已签署协议,允许平安保险提名一位非执行董事进入富通银行董事会。

    While stressing that the investment was not strategic , Ping An did say the two companies may explore co-operations in some of their activities and that they had signed an agreement allowing Ping An to nominate a non-executive director to the Fortis board .