
  • 网络Tomie
  1. 富江不喜欢别人用过的东西。

    Tomie doesn 't like things that someone else has used .

  2. 你想一个人占有富江,对吗?

    You 're trying to keep Tomie for yourself , aren 't you ?

  3. 一汽集团富江公司薪酬管理模式及薪酬结构设计

    The Design of FJC Compensation and Benefit Management Mode and Structure

  4. 我个人看过最烂的鬼片大概就是高校恶灵-富江了吧!

    The Haunting-I think it is the worst movie I 've ever seen !

  5. 富江说你碰过的东西都很臭。

    Tomie said the things you touch smell bad .

  6. 你问过由美子有关富江的事。

    You asked Yumiko about tomie .