
  • 网络Fullerton
  1. 他是学校电子竞技队的顶级玩家,今年6月帮助圣何塞州立一路过关斩将,最终击败加州州立大学富勒顿分校(CaliforniaStateUniversity,Fullerton),赢得了一项赛事的冠军。这次比赛有近9万人在网上观战。

    He is a top player on the school 's competitive video game team , helping San Jose State claw its way to victory in June over California State University , Fullerton , in a tournament watched online by nearly 90000 people .

  2. 在加州,卡梅隆被富勒顿学院录取,攻读物理专业。

    It was there that the young Cameron enrolled in Fullerton College to study physics .

  3. 加州富勒顿的几位警察在杀了一位无家可归的人后被判无罪。

    A pair of Fullerton , California police officers have been found not guilty of killing a homeless man .

  4. 罗贾斯还收到了来自斯坦福大学以及附近两所学校的邀请,分别是加州大学欧文分校和富勒顿的加州州立大学。

    Rojas also was accepted by Stanford University and two nearby schools , the University of California , Irvine , and California State University , Fullerton .

  5. 他相信艾伦夫妇和他们做了那么多年邻居,早就知道他们的底细了。再说,他还认识那个将来要继承富勒顿产业的青年。

    The Allens , he believed , had lived near them too long , and he knew the young man on whom the Fullerton estate must devolve .

  6. 59岁的劳尔·罗贾斯和56岁的妻子玛利亚一共有四个孩子,他们在二十世纪八十年代初从墨西哥的哈利斯科搬至富勒顿。

    He is one of four children of Raul Rojas , 59 , and wife , Maria , 56 , who moved to Fullerton from Jalisco , Mexico , in the early 1980s .

  7. 这真的是一个相当励志的故事。富勒顿高中毕业班学生费尔南多·罗贾斯成功被大学录取,他的父母是墨西哥移民,教育水平只有八年级。

    It would have been a success story if Fullerton High School senior Fernando Rojas , the son of Mexican immigrants whose schooling stopped in the eighth grade , was accepted to college .

  8. 59岁的劳尔·罗贾斯和56岁的妻子玛利亚一共有四个孩子,他们在二十世纪八十年代初从墨西哥的哈利斯科搬至富勒顿。劳尔是机床工人,玛利亚是名女裁缝。

    He is one of four children of Raul Rojas , 59 , and wife , Maria , 56 , who moved to Fullerton from Jalisco , Mexico , in the early 1980s . Raul is a machine operator , and Maria is a seamstress .