
  • 网络intensive strategy
  1. 本文研究认为,国有代建制企业在公司战略层面,宜采用密集型战略;根据公司战略,人力资源管理与开发战略宜采用参与式战略。

    This study suggests that construction consignment of state-owned enterprises should take intensive strategy at the strategic level ; according to the company strategy , human resources management and development strategies should be adopted in the city .

  2. 这种资本密集型战略正在把小竞争者挤出市场,也在促使此前长期抵触整合的航运界开始了全行业的整合,同时也对全球海运基础设施提出了新的要求。

    The capital-intensive strategy is squeezing out smaller players and triggering consolidation across an industry that has long resisted it , while putting new demands on global shipping infrastructure .

  3. 借助波士顿BCG矩阵分析,阐述了一嗨租车业务产品项目的优劣和市场潜力,突出明确了采用密集型成长战略的必要性。

    The Boston BCG matrix explains its business products and market potential merits of the project , highlighting the importance to use intensive growth strategy .

  4. 采用信息密集型营销战略赢得精明的市场

    Implementing Information - Intensive Marketing Strategy to Win the Smart Market

  5. 西安燃气总公司密集型成长战略研究

    The Densely Development Strategy Research of Xi'an Gas Parent Company

  6. 但涉及到资本密集型的战略行业时,其政策便发生了变化。

    But as regards capital-intensive strategic industries , the policy was different .

  7. 然后详细阐述了中小航空公司可以选择的发展战略&成本领先战略、利基市场战略、密集型成长战略、资本发展战略和横向联合战略。

    Demonstrates the strategies the small and medium size airlines should take such as : advanced cost control , niche , compressing development , capital development and transverse combination .

  8. 基本结论是:中国中小航空公司的发展战略应当是一个战略体系,即以利基市场战略和密集型成长战略作为主导战略,以资本发展战略、横向联合战略作为辅助战略。

    Basic conclusion : The developing strategy of the small and medium size airlines should be a complete system . They should mainly use the niche and compressing developing strategies , with the capital development and transverse combination strategies as back up .

  9. 在信息时代里,企业应采用信息密集型营销战略,利用顾客信息文档,理解精明市场中顾客的消费行为,为顾客提供精明的产品和服务,与精明的竞争对手争夺精明的市场。

    In information era , business firms should implement information - intensive marketing strategy , use their customer information files to understand customer behavior in the smart market , provide smart products and services for their customers , and compete effectively with the competitors for smart market .

  10. 或者,中国也可能靠纠正存在的经济扭曲现象而从继续前行,尤其是纠正以出口密集型的增长战略转变为扩大自身内需的经济增长战略。

    Or it can surge ahead by correcting existing economic distortions , especially by moving away from an export intensive growth strategy toward one that develops demand at home .

  11. 出口导向的劳动密集型制造企业发展战略探析

    On Development Strategy of Labor-intensive Export-oriented Manufacturing Enterprises

  12. 会计师事务所是典型的人力资源密集型企业,其战略人力资源管理的重点是核心员工,核心员工的战略人力资源管理要求制定战略规划、实施规划、战略制衡和调整评价四项工作并重。

    Accounting Firm is a kind of human resources concentration enterprise , whose keystone are core staffs . Strategic human resource management of core staffs should focus on strategic planning , implementing , balancing and evaluating .

  13. 为此提出首先要转变劳动密集型产业低成本战略,注重技术创新,切实改善用工环境;其次政府应该加强对企业用工方面的监督和引导。

    First of all , the low-cost strategy of the labor-intensive industries should be changed , they should focus on technology innovation , improve the employment environment effectively . Secondly , the government should strengthen the supervision and guidance of enterprises ' employment .

  14. 为履行广西区内的建筑节能专家的使命,本文制定了公司的长期战略目标,提出了企业采取密集增长型的具体战略选择,并建议企业加强能力、文化建设等一系列相关实施措施。

    In order to complete this mission , this paper formulates the long-term strategic goals of the company ; it proposes some detailed strategic choices for company taking intensive growth , and suggests a serious of implementing measures to strengthen enterprise abilities and construct enterprise culture .