
  • 网络Missouri;the University of Missouri;University of Missouri Columbia
  1. 现在,密苏里大学研究人员发现体重反弹时坚持锻炼能持续改善身体新陈代谢,降低患病风险。

    Now , University of Missouri researchers have found that exercising during weight regain can maintain improvements in metabolic health and disease risk .

  2. 本文作者是美国密苏里大学(UniversityofMissouri)经济学教授

    The writer is professor of economics at the University of Missouri

  3. 程:我们后来又一起去了密苏里大学(theUniversityofMissouri),我在那儿攻读应用数学硕士。

    Andrew : We went on to the University of Missouri , where I got a master 's degree in applied mathematics .

  4. 他曾在密苏里大学(universityofmissouri)读新闻,在广告业工作过10年,1986年,他得到了一份在必胜客的营销工作。

    He studied journalism at the University of Missouri and worked in advertising for a decade before taking a marketing job at Pizza Hut in 1986 .

  5. 密苏里大学的一个博士生ElizabethMartin将这项最新研究引入工作(瞬时的)记忆。

    Elizabeth Martin , a doctoral student from the University of Missouri , led the latest study into working ( immediate ) memory .

  6. (GeneralMotorsInstitute,现更名为凯特林大学[KetteringUniversity])、堪萨斯大学(UniversityofKansas)、密苏里大学圣路易斯分校(UniversityofMissouri,St.Louis)和达特茅斯学院(DartmouthCollege)。

    the General Motors Institute ( now called Kettering University ) ; the University of Kansas ; the University of Missouri , St. Louis ; and Dartmouth College .

  7. 密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校的RebeccaMeisenbach采访了15位妇女。

    Rebecca Meisenbach at the University of Missouri in Columbia interviewed fifteen women .

  8. GretchenGregory是密苏里大学哥伦比亚校区辛克莱护理学院的一名讲师。

    Gretchen Gregory is an instructor at the Sinclair School of Nursing on the Columbia campus of the University of Missouri .

  9. 艾奥瓦大学减少的主要是中国学生,而中密苏里大学(UniversityofCentralMissouri)负责招生工作的副教务长麦克·戈达德(MikeGodard)表示,该校今年的印度学生数量骤降。

    While Iowa primarily lost Chinese students , the University of Central Missouri experienced a sharp decline this year in students from India , said Mike Godard , vice provost for enrollment management .

  10. 这部立体生物复印机是由一个原型发展出来的,原型的发明人是一位欧加南墨的创始人,密苏里大学的佛格克博士GaborForgacs。

    One of Organovo 's founders , Gabor Forgacs of the University of Missouri , developed the prototype on which the new3D bio-printer is based .

  11. 一个姿色平平的女人,独自坐在一家单身酒吧里,一小时内平均会被4个男人搭讪这是密苏里大学MonicaMoore的研究结果。

    In an hour at a singles bar , average-looking women could be approached by up to four men , found Monica Moore in her study at the University of Missouri . What were these sirens doing ?

  12. 但这其实并不奇怪,密苏里大学的研究表明爱tweet的人也爱cheat,一个人越喜欢玩推特之类的社交网站,那他在恋爱时越容易出现问题,比如出轨。

    While this isn 't too surprising , research from the University of Missouri shows those who tweet cheat . The more often a person uses Twitter , the more often they have relationship conflicts , like affairs .

  13. 密苏里大学圣路易斯分校(UniversityofMissouri,St.Louis)人类学教授布劳内尔(SusanBrownell)曾大量撰文讨论中国体育。她说,几年以来,中国国内一直在讨论过分注重金牌的问题;

    There has been a big debate in China for years about the overemphasis on the pursuit of gold medals , ' says Susan Brownell , a professor of anthropology at the University of Missouri , St. Louis , who has written extensively about Chinese sports . '

  14. 来自哥伦比亚密苏里大学的RebeccaMeisenbach采访了15个女性,她发现她们看重自己的独立,大多数都享受拥有控制权利,虽然不是所有人都想得到这个权利。

    Rebecca Meisenbach at the University of Missouri in Columbia interviewed fifteen women . She found they all valued their independence and many enjoyed having the power of control , though not all wanted it .

  15. 我最初去了密苏里大学罗拉分校

    I went to University of Missouri-Rolla initially .

  16. 堪萨斯大学校队本赛季的不败记录毁在了老对手密苏里大学的手里。

    Kansas'unbeaten season came to an end at the hands of their arch-rival Missouri .

  17. 安吉拉•巴斯是密苏里大学堪萨斯分校国际学生事务办公室的招生专员。

    Angela Bass is an Enrollment Services Coordinator at the University or Missouri-Kansas City .

  18. 1991年密苏里大学,艺术教育,博士。

    1991 ph.d.art education university of missouri .

  19. 最可能参加冠军赛的就是昨天以59比42击败密苏里大学的奥本大学。

    The strongest case can be made by Auburn , which won 59-42 over Missouri yesterday .

  20. 密苏里大学的研究人员们观察了看这些广告的人如何接受这个讯息。

    Researchers at the University of Missouri looked at how viewers of these ads absorb the message .

  21. 2016年秋季,中密苏里大学共有2638名国际学生。

    In the fall of 2016 , the Warrensburg , Mo. , university had 2638 international students .

  22. 令女人们怦然心动的男演员布莱德皮特就差两学分就能在密苏里大学取得他的新闻学学位。

    Brad Pitt , actor and heartthrob , was two credits shy of a journalism degree from the University of Missouri .

  23. 密苏里大学拥有一个乳癌的线上病例,并提供学生相关的习题。

    The University of Missouri has a single case of breast cancer on line , with different options presented to the student .

  24. 目前,密苏里大学的一个研究组培育成功了一种大豆,用这种大豆生产出来的油仅含少量饱和脂肪及反式脂肪。

    Now , a University of Missouri research team has developed a soybean which produces oil that is naturally low in saturated and trans fats .

  25. 密苏里大学的研究人员开发了一种工具,允许医生在计算机上查看病人糖尿病相关的健康信息。

    Researchers at the University of Missouri developed a tool that allows doctors to view electronic information about patients'health conditions related to diabetes on a single computer screen .

  26. 美国密苏里大学分析人员表示,由于电脑系统可高速处理多数股票交易,一只个股平均被持有的时间只有22秒。

    The average time a stock is held is22 seconds , as computerized high-speed trading accounts for most transactions , according to analysts at the University of Missouri .

  27. 他之前在我的公司工作,几个月前他退出了,开始在密苏里大学干一份新工作,做公共关系官员。

    He used to work at my company until he quit a few months ago to start a new job as a public relations officer at Missouri University .

  28. 美联社获得的数据显示,在中央密苏里大学,外国学生的入学人数在2016年激增至2600人,今年则骤降至650人。

    At the University of Central Missouri , foreign enrollment surged to 2600 in 2016 before plummeting to just 650 this year , according to data obtained by The AP .

  29. 来自密苏里大学和英国伦敦帝国学院研究者已找到证据显示为什么针对造成艾滋病和多种癌症病毒的疫苗是无效的。

    Researchers from the University of Missouri and Imperial College London have found evidence suggesting why vaccines directed against the virus that causes AIDS and many cancers do not work .

  30. 密苏里大学哥伦比亚分校的学生活动中心是全美最棒的,有室内河和棕榈树环绕的瀑布。

    The University of Missouri at Columbia 's student recreation center the best rec center in the country , which has an indoor lazy river and waterfall surrounded by palm trees 。