
  • 网络maintaining close ties with the masses
  1. 发扬最大优势避免最大危险&认真做好新形势下密切联系群众的工作

    Make the Most of Superiority to Avoid the Most Danger & Conscientiously Do Well the Work of Maintaining Close Ties with the Masses in the New Situation

  2. 我们党是一个密切联系群众的党。

    Maintaining close ties with the masses is one of our Party 's fine traditions .

  3. 第二,这个党必须是密切联系群众的党;

    Second , it must maintain close ties with the masses ;

  4. 我们必须密切联系群众。

    We must keep in close contact with the masses .

  5. 他们尽量密切联系群众。

    They did their best to link themselves closely with the masses .

  6. 坚持艰苦奋共,密切联系群众

    Persevere in plain living and hard struggle , maintain close ties with the masses

  7. 我们党最大的政治优势是密切联系群众。

    The biggest political adcantage of our partylies inits close ties with thte masses .

  8. 密切联系群众是我们党的优良传统。

    Keeping close contact with the masses is a good tradition of our Party .

  9. 他认为,加强党内思想政治工作对于保证全体党员正确的政治方向、激发党员工作的积极性和创造性、增进党内团结和密切联系群众以及加强和改善党的领导等方面都有着重要的意义。

    He believed it had great significance that fortifying the inner party ideological and political work .

  10. 在改革与发展中继承和发扬党的密切联系群众的作风

    Carry Forward the Party ′ s Style of Keeping Close Links with the Masses at Reforming and Developing

  11. 密切联系群众是党的作风建设之本;

    Close liaison with the populace is the basis of the construction of the working style of the Party .

  12. 通过反对形式主义、官僚主义,确立了党的密切联系群众的优良作风。

    By objecting to formalism and bureaucratism , the style of keeping close relation with the people is set up .

  13. 在工作作风上,要坚持密切联系群众,反对形式主义、官僚主义;

    On style of work , we should stick to maintaining close links with masses , combating formalism and bureaucracy ;

  14. 密切联系群众也要用制度来保证&对加强和改进高校党的作风建设的一点思考

    Ensuring Close Ties with the Masses by the System & Thought on Strengthening and Improving the Style Construction of the Party in Colleges

  15. 求人民群众历史地位和作用之真,务密切联系群众、全心全意为人民服务之实;

    Seeking the historic status and function of the people in order to maintain close ties with the masses and serve the people wholeheartedly ;

  16. 我们必须恢复和发扬党的艰苦朴素、密切联系群众的优良传统。

    We must revive and develop further the Party 's fine traditions of hard work , simple living and close ties with the masses .

  17. 坚持立党为公、执政为民,密切联系群众,始终保持党同人民群众的血肉联系,是党的性质和宗旨的必然要求。

    It is essential for the Party to serve the interests of people with perfect impartiality , and to maintain close ties with the masses .

  18. 发扬党的密切联系群众的传统作风,要靠我们老干部起模范带头作用。

    It is up to the veteran cadres to take the lead in further developing our Party 's tradition of maintaining close ties with the masses .

  19. 相反地,中央总是叫我们密切联系群众,而不要脱离群众。

    On the contrary , the Central Committee has always told us to form close ties with the masses and not to divorce ourselves from them .

  20. 正因为这样,工人阶级政党的领袖,必须是密切联系群众的模范,必须是服从党的组织、遵守党的纪律的模范。

    Precisely because of this , they must set an example in maintaining close contact with the masses , obeying Party organizations and observing rules of Party discipline .

  21. 因此,党必须密切联系群众和依靠群众,而不能脱离群众,不能站在群众之上;

    Therefore , the Party must keep in close contact with the masses and rely on them , under no circumstances losing touch with them or placing itself above them .

  22. 第四章,对这一时期宣传动员工作所呈现的三个特点进行总结即:组织重视、力量集中和密切联系群众。

    The fourth part , summarizing the propaganda and mobilization emphasis on showing the organization in the course of their work , the concentrating and close ties with the masses characteristics .

  23. 本文采取了体系研究的思路,采用了历史借鉴、文献研究和比较研究的方法,对密切联系群众这一优良作风的领域研究进行系统的把握和梳理。

    This essay has systematized its thinking route and has adopted methods of historical reference , literature research and comparison research to grasp and organize the theory of Close Ties with the Masses work style systematically .

  24. 一切为了群众,一切依靠群众,密切联系群众而不脱离群众才是政党力量之源泉。

    That all are for the masses , all depend on the masses and maintain close ties with the masses instead of cutting itself off from them is the source of strength of a political party .

  25. 例如:“必须在全党大力弘扬理论联系实际、密切联系群众、批评和自我批评的作风。”

    A sample : " it is imperative to vigorously promote , on a Party-wide scale , the style of linking theory to practice , building closer ties with the masses and criticism and self-criticism . "

  26. 和谐社区有着自身的特征与意义,它是和谐社会构建的重要基石和检验标准,是政府密切联系群众、城市管理运行有序以及在基层缓解社会矛盾的有效途径。

    Harmonious community has its own salient features and significance , - it is the footstones and criteria of harmonious society construction , the effective channel for authorities contacting masses , for orderly urban running , for relieving grass-roots ' troubles .

  27. 全党同志必须牢记,密切联系群众是我们党的最大政治优势,脱离群众是我们党执政后的最大危险。

    All the comrades in the Party must bear in mind that maintaining close ties with the people gives the Party its biggest political asset while alienation from the people poses the greatest risk to the Party after it has gained political power .

  28. 本调查研究表明广大教师最喜欢校长具有高度事业心责任感,密切联系群众,关心教师生活,办事公道,知人善任等优良品质;

    The survey shows that teachers prefer principals who have a high sense of responsibility , keep in close contact with their staffs , concern themselves with the teachers livelihood , choose the right persons for various posts , and are fair and just .

  29. 现在是平时,又不打仗,就是训练,如果不坚持密切联系群众,人民对我们的缺点很自然地就难于原谅了。

    Now it is peace-time , we have no battles to fight and all we have to do is to train ; if we do not persist in maintaining close ties with the masses , they will naturally find it hard to excuse our shortcomings .

  30. 具体介绍了加强制度建设、理顺党政关系参与行政业务管理、密切联系群众、增强党的凝聚力等做法和体会。

    It specifically introduces the practice and knowledge of strengthening system construction , adjusting the relationship between the Party and the government ( administration ), participating in the administrative affairs management , maintaining close ties with the masses and strengthening the condensing power of the Party .