
  • 网络key space;Keyspace
  1. 通过电视广播,每台设备都分配了一个密钥空间进行分析。

    Over the airwaves , each appliance would be assigned a small piece of the keyspace to analyze .

  2. 一种基于混沌映射的DES密钥空间拓展方法

    Expanding DES key space method based on chaotic maps

  3. 关于Hill密码密钥空间大小的计算

    On the Computation of the Key Space of Hill Cipher

  4. 与Baker和Cat映射相比,Standard映射具有更大的密钥空间,更适合于信息加密。

    Compared to Baker map and Cat map , Standard map has larger key space , which makes it more suitable for information encryption .

  5. 一个加/解密系统由明文空间、密文空间、密码方案和密钥空间组成,本文采用了IDEA和RC5算法为样本设计加/解密系统。

    A cryptographic system includes data , algorithms and key .

  6. DES作为传统分组密码算法的典型代表,存在密钥空间太小的致命弱点,在穷举密钥攻击下被破译。

    As the representative of tradition block encryption algorithm , DES has a deadly weakness that is too small key space to prevent exhaust attacks .

  7. 利用猫映射及Lorenz高维混沌系统的结构复杂、多输出、密钥空间大等优点,提出一种基于猫映射与Lorenz混沌系统相结合的图像加密算法。

    The high-dimensional , such as cat map , Lorenz chaotic system , has complex structure , multi-output , and large key space .

  8. 相对普通混沌序列,二值序列能进一步扩大密钥空间;改进的Baker映射将图像的尺寸扩展到了一般矩形。

    Binary sequences can further expand the key space relative to ordinary chaotic sequence . Improved Baker mapping can expand the size of the image to general rectangle .

  9. 与二维映射相比,扩展后的三维Baker映射具有更大的密钥空间、更快的混迭速度和更广的应用范围。

    Compared to 2D Baker map , the extended 3D Baker map has much larger key space , much faster mixing speed and much wider applications such as the encryption of images , videos or multi-spectral image sequences .

  10. 针对DES密钥空间过小而不能抵抗穷举攻击的问题,本文给出了一种基于混沌映射的密钥空间拓展方法,从而构造了一种混沌DES变形算法。

    In the second , to arm at the problem that the key space of DES is too small to prevent exhaust attacks , an expanding key space method is proposed , and a chaotic transformed DES algorithm is constructed .

  11. 密钥空间拓展方法基于三条原理:Shannon的一次一密,无限密钥空间及混沌映射系统可构造一个确定性的随机数发生器。

    The expanding key space method is based on 3 principles of the Shannon 's idea " one-time pad ", " infinite key space " and a chaotic system can make out of a determinate random number generator .

  12. 该加密方案具有1076的密钥空间,能够有效地应用于网络通讯。

    Numerical simulations reveal that the scheme is effective in network communication .

  13. 因此我们的分析中对子密钥空间进行了更为细致的分割。

    So all the subkey space is divided more thoroughly than in differential cryptanalysis .

  14. 本文是针对扩展加密密钥空间而进行的优化数据加密算法的研究。

    This research is an encryption key for expansion space for the optimization of data encryption algorithm .

  15. 对该加密方案的密钥空间、密钥参数敏感性分析表明,该加密方案具有较高的安全性。

    The scheme is sensitive to perturbations of the parameters and initial conditions of the chaos system .

  16. 其中提出的混沌序列排序算法不仅提供的密钥空间大,而且置乱位置的随机性好,位置分布均匀。

    The permutation algorithm is provided with big secret key space , well randomicity and uniform distribution .

  17. 就搜索时间来看,此方法把密钥空间的大小由2~(56)下降到2~(54)。

    From the view point of searching time , this method lessens the key space from 256 to 254 .

  18. 与传统的换位加密相比,新方案不仅有较大的密钥空间,而且产生的换位序列具有很强的随机性。

    Compare with traditional transposition ciphers , the new scheme had larger key space and the transposition sequences are stochastic .

  19. 由于时空二维混沌具有密钥空间大、参数敏感性的特点,该算法具有很高的安全性。

    Because the spatiotemporal chaos system has huge key space and was sensitive to the initial parameter , this method shows great security .

  20. 结果表明,所提方法具有较大的密钥空间,很好的单向性,初值和密钥敏感性。

    The experimental results show that this method has large key space , strong one-way property , and sensitivity to the initial conditions and keys .

  21. 该算法有加密速度快、易于计算机实现、密钥空间大等优点。

    The advantages of this algorithm were , rapidity of encryption , carried out easily by computer , ampliative secret key space and so on .

  22. 通过时于嵌入的水印进行混沌调制和置乱,并扩展密钥空间,有效地改进了算法的安全性。

    The security of the scheme is effectively improved by using chaotic modulation and permutation to the embedded watermark and making a expansion for the key space .

  23. 说明了他们在某一安全水平下用户密钥空间的大小,并给出了前一类认证系统的具体构造。

    It shows the size of the secret key space for each participant under the security level , provides the construction about authentication schemes for dynamic conferences .

  24. 该算法输出序列随机性更好,不仅没有空白窗口和稳定窗口,而且分布更均匀,同时密钥空间也大幅提高。

    The sequence created by this algorithm has better randomness without blank window and stable window . Furthermore , it has better uniform distribution and larger key space .

  25. 随后本文从密钥空间、密钥敏感性、明文敏感性、统计特性等几个方面对提出的两种算法进行了安全性分析。

    Subsequently , security analysis has been made for the proposed algorithms from the aspects of key space , key sensitivity , plaintext sensitivity , and statistical property .

  26. 和一维元胞自动机相比,采用二维元胞自动机的加密算法拥有更大的密钥空间,系统安全性大大增强。

    Compared with one-dimensional cellular automata , encryption algorithm based on two-dimensional cellular automata has a larger key space and the security of the system is greatly enhanced .

  27. 文章利用理想的多密共享体制,来构作一类不完备的秘密共享体制,使它具有很小的子密钥空间和充分大的密钥空间两方面的优点。

    In this paper the authors present a method of constructing a class of non-perfect secret sharing schemes , by making a change of an ideal multi-secret sharing scheme .

  28. 然后,对算法的密钥空间大小、密钥敏感性、明文图像敏感性、明文密文直方图等方面对其进行了仿真实验和分析。

    The key space of this algorithm as well as key sensitivity , plain-text image sensitivity , plain histogram , cipher histogram and so on is simulated and analyzed .

  29. 该方案定义了一种复合混沌系统,并给出了该复合混沌系统的密钥空间、随机复杂度及抗预测能力分析。

    The scheme develops a kind of composite chaos and gives the analysis of key space , randomicity and complexity , and the ability against prediction for composite chaos .

  30. 文中对算法进行了详细的性能指标分析,结果表明:该算法密钥空间巨大,可以有力地抵抗选择明文、密文攻击。

    The algorithm has a large space of the key , which can be proven by detailed analysis of the performance index , and can withstand chosen-text / cipher attack .