
  • 网络Binyang County
  1. 宾阳县1994~2007年AFP病例流行病学分析及监测系统评价

    Analysis of AFP cases and assessment of monitoring system in Binyang County , Guangxi in 1994 ~ 2007

  2. 2000-2008年广西宾阳县麻疹暴发疫情特征分析

    Analysis on characteristics of measles outbreaks in Binyang county , Guangxi , 2000-2008

  3. 宾阳县房地产发展制约因素及对策初探

    Restriction Factors of Real Estate Development in Binyang County

  4. 宾阳县2002~2009年肺结核病防治效果分析

    Analysis on the Effect of TB Prevention and Treatment in Binyang County from 2002 to 2009

  5. 宾阳县2008年肺结核病人报告/转诊及追踪情况分析

    Analysis on Referral and Tracing of Tuberculosis Suspects Reported by Network System in Binyang County in 2008

  6. 宾阳县1992&2008年乙型肝炎流行病学特征分析

    Analysis on the Epidemiological Characteristics of Viral Hepatitis B in Binyang County in Guangxi from 1992 to 2008

  7. 有关广西宾阳县农村妇女在农村建设中的现状分析和作用分析具有创新性。

    The rural women of BinYang town GuangXi County is about on the status and the role of innovative analysis .

  8. 目前,宾阳县政府正强化服务工作,推动桑蚕业加快发展。

    At present , the local government is working to strengthen public services and promote the rapid development of silkworm industry .

  9. 在这一大环境下,广西宾阳县的桑蚕业也得到了较好较快的发展,对促进当地农民增收、财政增长、推动县域经济发展发挥了重要作用。

    Under such circumstances , the silkworm industry in Binyang County has developed more rapidly . And it also plays an important role in promoting peasant income increase , fiscal growth and economy development in Binyang County .

  10. 2003年,宾阳县通过调研发现,农村党员队伍中有一大批依靠聪明才智在农民中起到示范带头作用的能工巧匠型人才。

    In 2003 , Binyang County , found through research , rural party members play a leading role in the model of craftsmen personnel relying on the wisdom in the ranks of a large number of rural talented person .

  11. 并对宾阳县再生纸企业集群进行调查研究,根据论文建立的指标体系和评价模型进行计算,对集群进行经济绩效评价,并分析存在问题和提出相应的对策建议。

    And then studies about the survey of enterprise clusters in BINYANG county . Based on the indictors system and model of evaluation , the dissertation evaluates the economic performance of enterprise clusters in BINYANG county , then analyses the problems and gives some policy advice .