
  • 网络capacitive loading;capacitive load
  1. 具有高可靠的容性负载及感性负载开断能力;

    With high & reliable capacitive loading and inductive loading breaking capacity ;

  2. 基于容性负载开环谐振器的双频带通滤波器

    Compact Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Using Open-loop Resonators with capacitive loading for WLAN Applications

  3. ps脉冲传输线的多容性负载阻抗匹配模型和计算

    Matching model and computing of multi-capacitive loading resistances for ps pulse transmission line

  4. 容性负载谐振式DBD型臭氧发生器的供电电源

    Research on DBD-type Ozone Generator Powered by Series Resonant Inventor in Capacitive Control

  5. 但在测试GIS母线电压互感器时,由于GIS母线存在的寄生电容在额定电压下将附加大量的容性负载,因此不允许使用试品升压。

    But the parasitic capacitance existed in GIS bus line will append lots of condensive load in the rated voltage , so when testing the GIS bus line voltage transformer , the booster is not allowed .

  6. 通过确定CMOS逻辑器件的各种参数与馈通电流和容性负载充放电电流的定量关系,得出设计CMOS逻辑器件的各种参数以减小ΔI噪声,从电磁兼容的角度提出了设计CMOS器件的方法。

    The quantitative relation between the parameters of CMOS and the two currents is determined by calculation . Then the design of CMOS to reduce Delta I noise is achieved in the point of view of Electromagnetic Compatibility .

  7. 虽然CMOS技术具有低成本的优点,但是较大的输出管尺寸,驱动低阻抗负载时稳定性问题,驱动高容性负载时带宽问题以及噪声干扰等一直限制了CMOS应用技术的前进步伐。

    Although CMOS technology offers low cost alternative , they suffer major problems such as large size in output transistors , stability issues on driving low resistive in parallel with high capacitive load at high bandwidth , noise and so forth .

  8. 传统的基于门单元时延表查找的STA仅能处理理想斜坡输入电压和简单容性负载,而不能处理非线性输入电压和复杂互连负载。

    The traditional STA based on the delay look-up table can only handle ideal ramp input voltage and simple capacitive load for logic gates , while it cannot address the problem of non-linear input voltage and complex interconnect load .

  9. 介绍了一种MultiBus-I总线的双机系统的结构和实现,提出了一种通过双口RAM进行数据交换的方法,并分析了CMOS与TTL器件之间的性能差异和容性负载对电路的影响。

    This paper introduces the architecture and implementation of double-computer system based on MultiBus-I bus . And it presents a method of exchange data through double-port RAM . Also it analyses the performance difference of CMOS and TTL device and the effect of capacitor load .

  10. 容性负载对开关电路脉冲波形的影响

    Action of the capacitive load on the switching circuit output waveform

  11. 可驱动容性负载的智能化大功率信号源研制

    Development of High Power Intelligent Signal Source of Drivable Capacitive Load

  12. 容性负载的中小功率高频高压电源的研究与设计

    Research and Design of High-Frequency High-Voltage Power Supply for Capacitive Loads

  13. 小型DC/DC开关电源容性负载的研究

    Research on Capacitance Load in low-power DC / DC switch power

  14. 补偿脉冲发电机的容性负载特性

    Capacitive load characteristics of compensated pulsed alternator Q & A on sex

  15. 容性负载可控整流电路倍周期分岔行为

    Period-Doubling Bifurcation Behaviors of a Controllable Rectifier With Capacitive Load

  16. 高速高压超短脉冲在容性负载上的测量及分析

    Measurement and analysis of high speed high voltage ultrashort pulse on capacitive load

  17. 容性负载方波调制高压变压器的设计

    Design of square-wave modulated high-voltage transformer with capacitive load

  18. 感性容性负载的斩波式交流调压

    Chopper type AC voltage-regulator supplying inductive or capacitive loads

  19. 容性负载的可控硅三相开关电路

    A3-phase SCR switch circuit of capacitive loads

  20. 适合容性负载的高压大功率放大器

    A High-voltage High-power Amplifier for Capacitive Loads

  21. 运算放大器容性负载驱动问题研究

    Load of the question to be studied for the nature that holds amplifier of operation

  22. 用于容性负载的脉冲发生器

    A pulser used for capacitive loads

  23. 当该电源分别带阻性负载与阻容性负载时,输出电压波形畸变小。

    Whether the load is resistance or resistance-capacitance , the distortion of the output is small .

  24. 基于频响分析法的脉冲电源与容性负载间匹配电路设计

    Design of a matching circuit between pulse power supply and capacitive load based on frequency response analysis

  25. 交流负载箱有各种规格,系列齐全。有纯阻性负载或阻性、感性、容性负载。

    AC load bank has kinds of specifications and series , and include resistance , inductive and capacitive load .

  26. 该模型的驱动器由输出电阻和电容组成,负载为容性负载。

    The model has a driver , which comprises an output resistance and capacitance , and a capacitive load .

  27. 在仿真中,对比了容性负载,感性负载以及变动负载情况下的控制效果,仿真结果表明算法具有很好的鲁棒性,并能很好的保证系统的稳定性。

    Some simulations are conducted with various loads , and the results indicate the stability and robustness of the PBC .

  28. 通过对祥机的实验结果与计算结果进行比较、分析,找出运行在容性负载时的某些规律。

    Some laws of CPA and ARFC for capacitive load have been found by comparing calculative results with experimental results .

  29. 设计了压电陶瓷驱动器,并运用闭合斜率理论对容性负载下驱动电路的稳定性进行了分析与补偿,实现高精度且稳定的电压输出。

    The PZT driver with high precision and stable output is designed . Its stability with capacitive load is analysised .

  30. 本文介绍了一种可带容性负载的高电压、高频响激励电源的设计方法及相应的实现电路。

    This paper introduces a design method and circuit of power supply with high voltage and high frequency response for driving capacitive load .