
dà píng mù
  • large screen
大屏幕[dà píng mù]
  1. 图像被放大在了一个大屏幕上。

    The image is blown up on a large screen .

  2. 中断在LED大屏幕显示系统中的应用

    An application of interruption in a large screen LED display system

  3. 他们在大屏幕上重播了世界杯决赛。

    They re-ran the World Cup final on a big screen .

  4. 这个咖啡馆很嘈杂,室内的一个大屏幕上不停地播放着电影片断。

    It 's a noisy place with film clips showing constantly on one of the cafe 's giant screens

  5. LED大屏幕视频图象显示亮度校正的一种方法

    A luminance correction method of the LED large scale display panel

  6. 用VisualBasic开发大屏幕显示系统中的双机通讯

    Developing the Communication Between Two Computers in the Large Screen Display System with Visual Basic 3.0

  7. 基于函数发生器的LED大屏幕显示系统

    A LED Large Screen Displaying System Based on Function Reactor

  8. 基于工业以太网的大屏幕LED显示系统

    The Realization of LED Display System Based on Industrial Ethernet

  9. Windows矢量字库在大屏幕显示中的应用

    Application of Windows Vector Font Base in Large Screen Displaying

  10. 微机图像与LED大屏幕实时显示的设计

    The Design of Real Time Display for CRT Image and Big LED Screen

  11. LED大屏幕动态显示的实现

    The realization of LED big screen dynamic display ing

  12. 室外全色大屏幕用LED的最佳化

    Optimization of LED for Outdoor Full Color Display Panel

  13. 256灰度级LED大屏幕视频控制器

    Large screen LED video controller with 256 gray levels

  14. 本文介绍了LED大屏幕实现方法和工作原理。

    The working principle and realization of large LED electric screen are introduced .

  15. 基于FPGA的大屏幕LED点阵显示系统设计

    The design of the large-screen led lattice display system based on FPGA

  16. 嵌入式系统大屏幕LED点阵显示器

    LED Lattice of Embedded System Big Screen Display

  17. LED大屏幕显示驱动模块的一体化设计

    Integration design of LED display screen driver module

  18. 一种由LED构成的大屏幕字符显示器的结构模式

    A Type of Structure of Large Screen Display

  19. 大屏幕LED背光液晶显示器批量生产的问题

    Issues in High-Volume Manufacturing of Large-Screen LED-Backlit LCDs

  20. LED大屏幕空间显色恒定性

    Space color constancy of LED large screen

  21. LED彩色大屏幕γ反校正的研究

    A Study on the Reversal of the γ Compensation for the LED Super-scale Colour Screen

  22. 具有模块结构的高分辨率彩色AC等离子体大屏幕显示

    A high-resolution , large-screen color ACPDP with modular structure

  23. 基于CPLD的LED大屏幕视频控制系统

    A Video Control System of the Large LED Screen Based on CPLD

  24. 为裸眼立体大屏幕LED显示屏的发展进行了系统性的基础研究。

    It was a systemically basic research for the development of naked-eye stereoscopic display of big LED screen .

  25. LED工业大屏幕显示系统是一种新型的、实时在线显示工艺过程参数的显示系统。

    LED industrial scale large-screen display system is a new , real-time and on-line system for displaying process parameters .

  26. Web应用程序传统上是基于访问者拥有带大屏幕和鼠标的台式计算机这样的假设而设计的。

    Web applications are traditionally designed based on the assumption that visitors will have a desktop computer with a large screen and a mouse .

  27. LED大屏幕显示数据多路串行DMA接口设计

    A Design of Multiplex Data Series DMA Interface for LED Super Screen Display

  28. 向大屏幕、高亮度方向发展的LCD技术及其应用

    Picture Gets Bigger and Brighter for LCD Technology , Applications

  29. 大屏幕FED视频显示系统

    Larger screen FED video display system

  30. 用EDA技术设计LED大屏幕显示系统的总控模块

    Designing the Chief Control Module for Large Screen LED Display System Using EDA Technology