
  1. 创业家如何以有限的市场资源达成竞争的优势?

    How do entrepreneurs achieve competitive advantages given limited marketing resources ?

  2. 同时,康体教练还将交您在家如何练习瑜珈。

    At the same time our personal instructors will give you useful tips for playing yoga at home .

  3. 可以设想,如果不是通过象,古代的医学家如何去认识和把握各种生理、病理现象?

    We can imagine , unless the way of Xiang , how does the Archaian medicine man grasp and understand all kinds of physiological and pathological phenomenon ?

  4. 这个孩子接受完治疗准备出院时,玛雅医生告诉孩子父母在家如何照顾孩子,在场的还有六位其他的家庭成员。

    After the child had been treated and was being prepared for discharge , Doctor Mayer talked to the parents about how they should care for the child at home . Also listening to her were a half a dozen other family members .

  5. 小册子告诉人们在家里如何防备各种危险。

    The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home .

  6. 这里是三家企业如何处理他们的声投诉者。

    Here 's how three businesses are dealing with their Yelp complainers .

  7. 这家公司如何吸引证券交易所和银行的资金呢?

    How can the company attract capital from the stock exchanges and banks ?

  8. 人们在家里如何用水?

    How do people use water at home ?

  9. 优秀的实干家懂得如何衡量并享受自己的工作效率。

    Good doers know how to measure their own productivity and revel in it .

  10. 装修:广州首届家居装饰节引来众多咨询者新家装修如何显品位?

    Decoration : Guangzhou first home decoration section about how many advisory home decoration Hin grade ?

  11. 你的家是如何?

    How far is your home ?

  12. 然而在审计实际中国家审计如何对权力进行有效地控制,这有待认真探索与研究。

    However , how to control the power effectively by audit in the audit practice , It 's need to probe and research seriously .

  13. 骆家是如何在仅仅两代人的时间里,从住在中国的一个小乡村到迁入州长官邸的呢?

    How did the Locke family go in just two generations from living in a small rural village in China to the governors mansion ?

  14. 但是,一家公司如何知道怎样去实现这一目标?中国石油企业要如何运作?这是我们必须解决的一个最大难题。

    But how does a corporation know if it is succeeding in reaching this goal ? It is the main question we are try to solve in this thesis .

  15. 那么,你就放心大胆地往前冲好了,因为,我知道如何为你营造一个温馨的家,如何营造我们自己温馨和甜蜜的生活。

    Well , rest assured you will boldly forward , because I know how you create a warm home , how to create our own warmth and sweetness of life .

  16. 荣誉应该授予什么样的人?不是那些提出意见的批评家,也不是那些指出强者在哪里跌倒或者实干家应该如何改进的人。

    It is not the critic who counts , not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled , or where the doer of deeds could have done better .

  17. 这无疑是受欢迎和必要的,但是这样一家基金如何就足以抵御对周边所有中东欧货币的投机性攻击,却一点也不清楚。

    This is desirable and necessary , no doubt , but it is not at all clear how this is sufficient to ward off a speculative attack against all peripheral CEE currencies .

  18. 房地产交易规则更是经验性的,本文将从交易实践中所出现的问题出发来阐述法律规则,对一个个具体问题,法律家是如何提供解决的方案的。

    It is more suitable for real estate transaction rules , which is much more of experience . This article explains these rules through narrating examples in transition practices , and shows how lawyers solve the specific problems .

  19. 在中国互联网发展的各个阶段,风险投资家是如何挑选互联网投资对象,获得投资的互联网企业如何使用风险资金推动企业发展,以及风险投资如何获得回报的。

    In every phase of China internet development , the way the VC to choose invest target , how the internet company impulse ahead with the money they get from VC , and how the VC get its return .

  20. 同时,我们还要学习借鉴不同国家和地区的艺术设计家是如何将民族个性和国际潮流相结合、如何将传统艺术和现代设计相结合、如何将大众需求与文化品位相结合的成功经验。

    At the same time , we should also learn from the art designers of various countries and regions about how to integrate the national identity and international trend , how to combine traditional art and modern design , and how to combine the public demand with cultural taste .

  21. 该公司甚至可以邮寄修理工具和提供线上教学视频,让客户可以在家中学习如何修补牛仔裤。

    The company even provides mail-order repair kits and online videos , so that customers can learn how to fix a pair of jeans at home .

  22. 他们对这可怕的气味发出很多抱怨,因此威伯不得不把这个阿拉贝尔家的男孩如何想要抓夏洛,而打碎的蛋又是怎么及时地把他赶跑的故事讲了一遍又一遍。

    There were many complaints about the awful smell , and Wilbur had to tell the story over and over again , of how the Arable boy had tried to capture Charlotte , and how the smell of the broken egg drove him away just in time .

  23. Levien&Company项目管理公司曾成功完成纽约市的一些剧院整修项目。大都会歌剧院正在跟这家公司商量如何修建一个与歌剧院等宽、长三四十英尺的矮玻璃幕墙,延伸至林肯中心广场。

    The Met has engaged Levien & Company , a project management firm that has worked on other successful theater renovations in the city , to study how it might be able to build a low glass enclosure running the width of the Met and extending 30 or 40 feet into the Lincoln Center plaza .

  24. 首先,你需要弄清楚,这家公司是如何看待人力资源部门的?

    First , you need to understand how the company views HR .

  25. 例如一天在家中是如何来安排练习的。

    I am curious about how you are managing your practice time .

  26. 这家公司该如何做才能生存?

    What can the company do differently to survive ?

  27. 感谢收看“家中工作如何削减支出”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Cut Costs .

  28. 这么小的一家企业将如何在竞争激烈的商业社会里生存下去呢?

    How will such a small company survive in the competitive world of business ?

  29. 今天在家里做如何?

    How about working at home today ?

  30. 我不是说它们在家的行为如何,因为那是用其他东西来衡量的。

    I don 't talk about how they behave at home because that 's measured elsewhere .