
  • 网络pet industry
  1. 中国宠物行业潜在的巨大商机,使美国、英国、日本和德国等宠物发达国家都把宠物的最大市场中国看作他们的目标。

    China 's pet industry great potential business opportunities , the United States , Britain , Japan and Germany the biggest pet pet developed countries regard China as their target market .

  2. 因为这个原因,宠物行业会继续保持飞速发展的势头。

    And because of that I think the industry will continue to grow at a rapid pace .

  3. 2005年左右,我们曾在宠物行业内搜寻可扩展、具有吸引力的创业点子,因为宠物行业的吸金能力确实不俗。

    In the mid-2000s we were looking for scalable , compelling ideas within the pet segment because all this money had been allocated to it .

  4. 从事宠物食品行业的Ng认为,养鸡是教育孩子宠物营养和生态系统的好方式。

    Ng , who works in the pet food industry , saw chicken keeping as a good way to educate his children about pet nutrition and ecosystems .

  5. 一些批评家和喜爱动物的人愤愤不平,他们认为在于美国对150亿美元的宠物食品行业疏于管理。

    Some critics and animal lovers are honing in on what they see as lax regulation of the $ 15 billion pet-food industry in the United States .

  6. 上海银行职员弗朗西斯·陈把工资的五分之一都花费在了她的狮子狗Cookie身上。与她类似的千千万万的宠物爱好者推动了宠物护理行业的蓬勃发展,使之成为世界上发展最迅速的产业之一。

    Shanghai bank employee Frances Chen spends about a fifth of her monthly salary on her poodle Cookie , one of the millions of pet owners turning China 's pet care industry into one of the fastest growing industries in the world 。

  7. 因为很多宠物主人认为用宠物保姆比选择传统的宠物寄养有优势,专业的宠物保姆行业正在快速发展。

    The professional pet-sitting industry is growing rapidly because many pet owners feel that there are advantages to using pet sitters , rather than traditional pet care options .