
shí yàn yuán
  • tester;laboratory technician
  1. 实验员必须从自己所处的地位和应发挥的作用出发,努力提高敬业精神、基本理论和动手能力等方面的基本素质,以适应培养全面发展和市场经济需要的人才。

    To meet the need of training qualified personnel for market economy , laboratory technician must enhance his qualities of loving occupation , basic theory and practice .

  2. 一名实验员在进行测试的大楼休息室会见每一名受试者。

    A tester met each participant in the lobby of the building where the tests were being conducted .

  3. 新课改下实验员定位之思考

    Thought about Orientation of Laboratory assistant Under the New Curriculum Reformation

  4. 评价主体有:学生本人、学生实验员、任课教师;

    Evaluation body : students , team leader , and teachers ;

  5. 高校化学学院实验员队伍建设需要注意的几个问题

    Several problems on laboratory staffs team of chemistry in universities

  6. 于鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学从事该项科学研究的实验员甚至都没有发现,在整个研究过程中,他们自身也有些许的倾斜。

    Participants in a study at Erasumus University Rotterdam didn 't even know they were tilted during the experiment .

  7. 研究对象为76名4岁儿童(男25,女51),让他们在实验室中面对陌生实验员和另三名儿童讲述自己过生日的经历。

    The participants were 76 children who were asked to tell their experiences of their own birthday to a strange experimenter and three strange children in laboratory .

  8. 在上楼的电梯中,实验员会不经意地请受试者在他做记录的时候帮他拿着咖啡杯。

    In the elevator on the way up , the tester casually asked the participant to hold his cup of coffee while he recorded some information on his clipboard .

  9. 实验员与教师也陆续加入绿色化学教学活动中来,使绿色化学教学在我校得到前所未有的关注,教师与教师之间的交流与合作更为密切。

    The lab workers and teachers participate in green chemistry teaching one after another , and arousing great concern in school . The cooperation and communication between teachers are more frequently .

  10. 这部分生理机制不仅在猴子抓花生的时候会发热,在它们看见实验员做这事儿的时候也会同样发热。

    These have been seen to fire not only as a monkey , say , grabs a peanut , but also when the monkey sees an experimenter do the same thing .

  11. 居民饮用水砷含量与尿砷含量应用氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法检测,尿肌酐水平使用饱和苦味酸法检测,并由同一批实验员操作完成。

    Arsenic in water and urine were tested using atomic fluorescence spectrometry and the concentration of arsenic modified with urine creatinine , all the experiments were completed by the same lab assistants .

  12. 然而,这种方法需要训练有素的实验员,而且无法诊断出那些体内产生少量细菌的患者,例如儿童。

    However , this method requires trained laboratory staff and can fail to diagnose TB in those who are not producing large numbers of bacteria , as is the case for children .

  13. 高校计算机实验室的管理涉及面广,包括计算机系统管理,网络管理,运行环境管理,实验员管理,实验教学管理设备管理、甚至是财务管理等等,是一门综合的管理技术。

    University computer laboratory management involves many areas , including computer systems management , network management , running environment management , members of management , experimental teaching management , equipment management , and even financial management , etc. , is an comprehensive management techniques .

  14. 通常,一百个样本要花费实验技术员超过两天的时间来检测,但是一只老鼠只需要花费不到二十分钟。

    Traditionally , a hundred samples would take lab technicians more than two days to   examine , but for a rat it takes less than 20 minutes .

  15. 官方实验试飞员学校毕业;

    Official graduate experimental test pilot school ;

  16. 它有更大的科学实验空间和舱员空间。

    It has more space for scientific experiments and room for the crew .

  17. 通过核电厂操纵员在模拟机上的事故不响应概率实验,研究操纵员可靠性与素质的关系,并运用模糊回归方法对操纵员可靠性进行分析。

    Based on the nuclear power plant ( NPP ) operator 's accident non-response probability experiment on simulator , the relationship between operator 's reliability and human quality is studied . In the paper , fuzzy regression method is also used to analyze operator 's reliability .

  18. 在一次实验中,一名实验员让人们来谈论一处房地产的销售。

    In one experiment , a researcher had people negotiate the possible sale of commercial property .

  19. 新课程标准的出台并实施,将对实验教学提出更高的要求,实验员的职责也将发生根本的变化,实验员如何面对现实,迎接挑战,作者进行了较全面的探讨。

    The article researches how laboratory assistant should envisage true-life that is higher demands for experiment teaching and the responsibilities of laboratory assistant will been changed thoroughly and accept the challenge after the new curriculum standard came on and have being brought into effect .

  20. 为提高中学生物理实验能力搭好台&浅谈中学物理实验室建设中实验员的工作开展

    To Offer a Good Environment to Improve the Senior Students ' Abilities in Physic Experiment & Briefly Analyzing the Experimenters ' Duties in the Course of Establishment of Physic Lab