
  • 网络P&G;gamble;Procter & Gamble;Procter and Gamble
  1. 1952年,他根据招聘广告来宝洁公司应聘,从此就在宝洁公司供职。

    He answered a p g ad in1952 and has worked for p g ever since .

  2. 快速消费品行业的渠道管理&基于宝洁公司针对大客户的渠道管理模式分析

    On Channel Management of Fast-consuming Products Based on P G 's Big Clients ' Management Model

  3. 宝洁公司为它的饼干申请专利权。

    P & G applied for a patent on its cookies

  4. 宝洁是大众化妆品行业中的领头羊。

    Procter & Gamble is the leader in the mass market cosmetics industry .

  5. 签署协定的公司包括从宝洁和可口可乐这样的消费品巨头到阿斯达和马莎等超市,种类繁多。

    The companies range from consumer giants like Proctor and Gamble and Coca-Cola to supermarkets including Asda and Marks and Spencer .

  6. 之所以叫“肥皂剧”,是因为这些剧集播放之初都是由宝洁等洗涤用品生产商赞助或制作的。

    The name soap opera stems from the original dramatic serials4 broadcast on radio that had soap manufacturers such as Procter & Gamble as sponsors and producers .

  7. 海飞丝(Head&Shoulders)、潘婷、汰渍(Tide)和帮宝适等均系宝洁旗下品牌。

    Head & Shoulders , Pantene , Tide and Pampers are among the company 's brands .

  8. 宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)首席执行官(CEO)兼董事长麦睿博经历了充满挑战的一年。

    Procter & Gamble CEO and chairman Robert McDonald has had a challenging year .

  9. 她是在那里学到的,因为宝洁CEO雷富礼曾经在2000年代使用过这种方式。

    She learned it there because [ P & G CEO ] A.G. Lafley used it in the 2000s .

  10. 两年前的伦敦夏季奥运会期间,宝洁公司使用了相同的广告策略:这段名为“最佳工作”(BestJob)的广告描述了母亲含辛茹苦抚养运动员的艰辛历程,同样获得很好的反响。

    P & G took the same tack two years ago at the London Olympics with " best job , " a campaign about the hard work mothers do to raise an athlete .

  11. 部分《财富》500强公司,比如IBM和宝洁公司(Proctor&Gamble),已经意识到,公司需要一位“秘密守护者”,于是便设立了首席隐私官职位。

    A number of Fortune 500 companies such as IBM and Proctor Gamble have realized the need for a gatekeeper and have created CPO positions .

  12. 麦克纳尼同时在IBM和宝洁公司董事会任职,乘坐公司商务机参加董事会议的费用便达到约68000美元。

    McNerney sits on the boards of IBM and Proctor Gamble , and travel to board meetings represented almost $ 68,000 of the total cost .

  13. 阿姆斯特朗表示,例如宝洁(proctor&gamble)公司,它可能拥有30种不同类型的汰渍(tide)清洁剂。

    A company such as Procter & Gamble , for example , might have 30 different types of Tide detergent , says Mr Armstrong .

  14. 举例来说,早在10多年前,宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)就创设了一种名为“产品类别经理”(categorymanagers)的新管理岗位,其职能是管理多种品牌。

    It is more than a decade , for example , since Procter & Gamble created a new cadre of " category managers " to oversee multiple brands .

  15. 宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)正计划“瘦身”。

    Procter & Gamble is planning to slim down its product slate .

  16. 正是这种管理决策建构了ibm、通用电气(ge)和宝洁(p&g)等20世纪最伟大的企业。

    It was this approach that built the great businesses of the 20th century such as IBM , general electric and Procter & Gamble .

  17. 他就是50岁的宝洁公司北京分公司总经理RichardCarpenter。

    The 50-year-old businessman is Richard Carpenter , general manager of Beijing 's branch of Proctor and Gamble Technologies .

  18. 同时,宝洁还通过其报纸插页BrandSaver散发优惠券。这项于2002年推出的业务能够覆盖约5700万美国家庭。

    P & G also distributes coupons through its Brand Saver newspaper insert , launched in 2002 , which reaches some 57m US households .

  19. 如果广告来自宝洁(Proctor&Gamble)或丰田(Toyota),或许如此。

    That might be true if the ads were from of Proctor & Gamble ( PG ) or Toyota ( TM ) .

  20. 宝洁(ProctorGamble)预计,由于强势美元的影响,2015年的利润将会出现零增长。

    Proctor Gamble forecasts zero growth in 2015 because of the strong dollar .

  21. 去年,宝洁公司(Proctor&Gamble)在这一点上大获成功。当时,宝洁公司邀请演员以赛亚•穆斯塔法为公司的OldSpice男士香水推出了一个互动社交媒体宣传活动。

    Proctor & Gamble ( PG ) struck gold with this last year , when they created an interactive social media campaign for Old Spice around actor Isaiah Mustafa .

  22. 宝洁公司(Procter&Gamble)正在采用这种广告手法,以期赢得母亲们的注意。

    Procter & Gamble ( PG ) is following that recipe by appealing to mothers .

  23. 正如宝洁(PG)上月对分析师所言,未来十年,中国还将增加2.7亿中产阶级消费者这一数字与目前美国中产阶级消费者的人数大致相当。

    As Procter & Gamble put it to analysts last month , China will add another 270m middle-class customers in the next decade – roughly the same number as there are in the US today .

  24. 从现在开始,苹果(Apple)、宝洁(ProcterGamble)和可口可乐(Coca-Cola)等公司将成为同一家大型广告公司的客户。

    Now , the likes of Apple , Procter Gamble and Coca-Cola are going to be handled by one big company .

  25. 这帮他节省了10万美金,同时又提高了自己的公司SizzleIt的可信度。他的客户包括宝洁和服装品牌Gap这样的大客户。

    It saved him $ 100,000 and gave Sizzle It credibility ; his clients include Procter & Gamble and the Gap .

  26. 据社交视频公司Unruly介绍,宝洁的“把他们扶起来”(PickThemBackUp)宣传短片已经成为有史以来被分享次数最多的冬奥会广告。

    Its " pick them back up " campaign , according to social video marketing company unruly , is already the most shared Winter Games campaign of all time .

  27. 从现在开始,苹果(Apple)、宝洁(Procter&Gamble)和可口可乐(Coca-Cola)等公司将成为同一家大型广告公司的客户。

    Now , the likes of Apple , Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola are going to be handled by one big company .

  28. 这正是宝洁CEO麦睿博坚称的观点。他正在带领宝洁这个消费品巨头朝着数码时代的商业模式转变。

    That 's what CEO Bob McDonald is claiming , as he attempts to turn the consumer product giant into a model of business in the digital age .

  29. 在加入ADM之前,伍尔兹之前曾从事石油业达30年之久,她现在还是宝洁公司的董事。

    Woertz , who spent three decades in the oil industry before joining ADM , also sits on the Procter & Gamble board .

  30. 以往宝洁一直是从内部人员中挑选CEO,但没有公开保证过会继续这么做。

    In the past , P & G has chosen its CEOs from its own ranks , although there is no public guarantee that will continue to be the case .