
dìng rán
  • certainly;surely;definitely
定然 [dìng rán]
  • 副词。一定;必定 [definitely;surely;certainly]

  • 虽然间或没有现钱,暂时记在粉板上,但不出一月,定然还清。--鲁迅《孔乙己》

定然[dìng rán]
  1. 请尊重此免费服务,欢迎各位提出合理的服务要求,本师定然尽力回复;

    Please respect this FREE SERVICE , welcome to ask the reasonable service requirements , I will certainly reply ;

  2. 这不是一次冲动式的业主作秀,却定然能推动珠宝事业在全球中不得不优秀!

    This is not a business show of impulsive-style , but it will certainly be able to promote the jewelry business to be outstanding in the world !

  3. 定然如此。

    It most necessarily be so .

  4. 我相信她定然会来,故没打发人去请她。

    I was too certain of her coming to send for her .

  5. 此事他定然不会同意。

    He definitely won 't agree to this .

  6. Arren本以为头顶上定然乌云密布,但漆黑的天空中却挂着点点暮星。

    But overhead , where Arren had thought to see a heavy overcast of clouds , the sky was black , and there were stars .

  7. 溶出伏安法测定然水中痕量镍

    Determination of Trace Nickel in natural water by stripping voltammetry

  8. 动能定然增加了。

    Well , kinetic energy has clearly increased .

  9. 你定然要在芝加哥站转车。

    You have to change at Chicago station .

  10. 如果交易泡汤的话,我们定然会失去一大笔钱。

    We stand to lose s lot of money if the deal falls through .

  11. 定然会引出大争论的。不要急,一个个来讨论吧。

    Only f7.0 incites debate . Don 't worry , each one to discuss it .

  12. 古代小说内涵丰富,在不同的视角之下定然呈现出不同的意义。

    Ancient novel is abundant in contents and shows different meaning under different view of points .

  13. 普世的混乱随之而来的定然是道德败坏,它的影响犹胜于智识的倒退。

    The general confusion was bound to bring moral decay , even more than intellectual enfeeblement .

  14. 你的交际圈中定然有痴迷于自己形象的人吧。

    It 's more than likely you know someone who 's obsessed with their own image .

  15. 你们若是不信,定然不得立稳。

    If you do not stand firm in your faith , you will not stand at all .

  16. 干燥过程是热气流穿过物料层,定然成热量与质量的传递的过和。

    Drying process is the duration of hot air flowing through material layer , where heat and quality is transmitted .

  17. 为希望做出重大贡献的人员提供适当的工具,他们定然不负您的期望。

    Give the proper tools to a group of people who like to make a difference , and they will .

  18. 大多数宗教要求起码相信某些超自然的事件,而超自然的事件定然与科学不相谋和。

    Most religions demand belief in at least some supernatural events , which are by definition impossible to reconcile with science .

  19. 由于电影文本与小说文本隶属不同的传播媒介,两者的叙事定然存在差异。

    Since the film and the novel are not the same mass media , there must be some differences in terms of narration .

  20. 在区域发展过程中,定然会与其相邻或相关的区域发生人员、物资等方面的流动。

    Bound to adjacent or other region of the flow of personnel , materials , and other aspects of the process of regional development .

  21. 虽然间或没有现钱,暂时记在粉板上,但不出一月,定然还清,从粉板上拭去了孔乙己的名字。

    Though occasionally he might turn up without ready money , his name would generally be wiped from the credit slate within a month .

  22. 不好的事情定然会发生,而人类的本能反应就是去考虑可能由之带来的负面后果。

    Bad things are bound to happen , and the natural human reaction is to think about the negative consequences that could potentially arise .

  23. “东风”轮上所载货物一到达我处,我们定然与你方联络。

    As soon as the goods shipped by shipped by vessel " Dongfeng " reach us , we shall not fail to communicate with you .

  24. 当初他定然是身强体壮,如今这大块头却是歪斜颓唐,臃肿虚胖,像就要向四面八方散了架子。

    At one time he must have been immensely strong ; now his great body was sagging , sloping , bulging , falling away in every direction .

  25. 评价的本质是价值判断,而进行价值判断则定然要选择判断的基本范式。

    The nature of the assessment is value judgment , and in order to make the value judgment , the basic form of the judgment must be decided .

  26. 中国传统婚礼是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,而婚礼中的吉祥话由来已久,定然受到中国传统文化的影响。

    Furthermore , considering the fact that traditional Chinese wedding ceremony is a significant and essential component of Chinese culture and Luck Talk at this cultural event has existed for a long time , Luck Talk is influenced by traditional Chinese culture .

  27. 放眼寰球,你定然会对那些具有启发性的景象钦佩不已。你会看到,自由不仅仅是力量和秩序,而且是占据统治地位的不可征服的力量和秩序它使其他一切力量的源泉都相形见绌。

    Look round the world , and admire , as you must , the instructive spectacle . You will see that liberty not only is power and order , but that it is power and order predominant and invincible - that it derides all other sources of strength .